Friday, August 30, 2024

Call for Submissions: Milk Candy Review

Call for submissions from Milk Candy Review.

Please send us your beautifully weird, lyrical flash fiction pieces of up to 750 words

Sorry, we don’t accept previously published pieces or poetry. We are happy about all the alliteration in that last sentence, though.


Submissions may be sent to:

Please attach submissions as a Word doc. or docx. file or paste into the body of the e-mail. Please do not send PDF files or Google docs. Feel free to include a short bio in the body of your e-mail. Submit only one story at a time.

Please include your name (or pseudonym) with your submission.

Please, no AI submissions.


You should receive a response within a week. If you do not, please query.

If your story is accepted, please do not ask us to wait until you hear back from another journal. If you ask us to do that, we will rescind your acceptance.

If we have declined your submission, please wait three months before resubmitting. This includes submissions that have been declined because guidelines were not followed.

Do not resubmit a previously declined piece unless we request you do so.


We ask for first-time publication rights. All other rights belong to the contributor.

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