Sunday, August 18, 2024

Call for Submissions from BIPOC Writers: Bookish Brews

Bookish Brews accepts multiple types of submissions including essays, themed reading lists, and book reviews. I’m not limited Below you can find a description of what I’m looking for. Bookish Brews’ mission is to highlight the voices of the global majority in literature and therefore I am specifically looking for submissions from diverse voices. I want to do what I can to help get your words published in the online space and help you gain a published piece under your belt.

Bookish Brews focuses on the intersection of stories and diversity. Specifically how diverse stories impact our lives and the world, and/or how we can make literature, media, and stories more inclusive. We are seeking to slowly dismantle literary hierarchies to make stories more accessible to all. We are not seeking simply to diversify the voices in stories but to help people open their minds to a wider form of storytelling and create the space for us to tell those stories. Read more about Bookish Brews on our about page.

Nonfiction, Craft, and Lifestyle Essays

Bookish Brews is seeking pitches for essays on a rolling basis, that means we are open to pitches as much as possible. We are looking for writing that examines culture and/or literature from a lens that is distinctly from writers of the global majority. We are seeking essays, criticism, analysis related to BIPOC in literature, media, and history. We’re open to exploring BIPOC contribution to all forms of media because our goal is to center global majority voices in stories and spotlights.

Nonfiction and Craft essay pitches we accept but are not limited to:

  • Essays that examine books or stories through a personal lens
  • Discussions on literary trends, themes, or tropes
  • Stories as liberation or activism
  • Essays that discuss any topic at the intersection of literature & diversity
  • Non-western canons, literary revolutions, writing ourselves into the genre, etc
  • Discussions on genre or other bookish discussions
  • Analysis of BIPOC contributions in media
  • Criticisms of misrepresentation in media

Lifestyle essay pitches we accept but are not limited to: 

  • Cultural commentary from a personal lens
  • Discussions on what is happening in the world and the cultural implications
  • How our culture affects or is affected by the lives of systematically marginalized peoples
  • Analysis of our place within spaces that were not built for us
  • We’re looking for personal pieces that touch on the wider world

Notes: These are just ideas to help you brainstorm. Idea approval is still not a guarantee that your post will be accepted and published by Bookish Brews. If accepted, please be ready to submit a brief bio about yourself.

For now, in an effort to be inclusive, Bookish Brews will not retain the rights to any of your pieces and you can feel free to submit them elsewhere. We appreciate it if you can maintain exclusivity to Bookish Brews for 3 months, but it is not required. My aim is to help you further your writing career, and your published footprint, not hinder it. By submitting, you affirm your work does not violate any form of copyright law.

How to Submit Nonfiction, Craft, and Lifestyle Essays

Please submit pitches to:

Pitches should be 100-200 words, depending on the intended length of the piece. We accept pieces ranging from 1500-4000 words. Your pitch should clearly outline your concept and goals for the piece. I want to know not only what you want to write about but where you want to go with it (ie. what you are trying to say about it). Please also include a brief cover letter explaining why you’re right to write this piece.

Submit a Written Book Review

Bookish Brews is open to reviews about any media that centers global majority voices. We primarily focus on BIPOC media but all people who identify with a historically marginalized group are welcome. We are open to critiques, analysis, creative reviews, or discussions through a personal lens. We’re also open to other ideas that you’d like to pitch. Please make sure that your review fits with the mission of Bookish Brews. If you are unsure, feel free to shoot me a message asking before you write it.

How to Submit Reviews

To submit reviews, please email:

For book reviews please format them similarly to other Bookish Brews book reviews (minus Bookish Brews Snapshot). For reviews of other forms of media, we’re open to any format.

Submit a Book

We accept book submissions in two ways: 

Recommend an upcoming release: which is simply putting a book on our radar. We frequently pull from this list to make book lists, add anticipation reviews on Goodreads, add to our featured bookshelf, etc.

Submit a book for review: Please know that Bookish Brews only has one reviewer, so please know that we only take on a very small percentage of review requests. Because of our low capacity, books that are already on our radar often take priority.

Recommend an Upcoming Release

This form is open to writers, agents, editors, and readers.

We pull from this list once a month to build our monthly featured bookshelf. Bookish Brews covers books by authors who identify with a systematically marginalized community, with a focus on global majority authors.

For writers, the best way to get coverage on Bookish Brews is to recommend an upcoming book. However, please be aware this is not the place to submit anything else. All other types of submissions must be done separately.

Submit a Book for Review

Bookish Brews focuses on global majority authors and their stories. We consider stories by authors who identify with any historically marginalized community, but our primary focus is BIPOC authors.

Please only send books in epub format for digital copies. If you’re looking to send a physical copy, please send it to the following address:

Bookish Brews
407 W Imperial Hwy
Suite H #723
Brea, CA 92821

More information and submission forms here.

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