Sunday, August 18, 2024

Call for Horror Submissions: Club Plum

Submissions are open for our much-loved annual Literary Horror Issue, coming out in October 2024. As always, this issue will contain both literary horror and non-horror works.

Deadline: Oct. 1, 2024

Club Plum is a safe place and does not publish the following: 

  • works that demean women, perpetuate the male gaze, portray antiquated relationships/images where women are sexual objects for men, etc.
  • works that are racist
  • works that are homophobic
  • works that proselytize religious beliefs
  • AI-created work

Club Plum happily publishes the following:

Lyric Essays / Creative Nonfiction: Send one nonfiction work only of up to 3,000 words to: 

Include a short bio, and do not send previously published work. Send in docx or doc format, or in the body of the email. Send flash, segmented, braided, hermit crab, hybrid and beautiful essays. Send micro-nonfiction. Send hard-to-classify short pieces.

Flash Fiction: Please send one piece of flash fiction of no more than 800 words to: 

Include a short bio, and do not send previously published work. Do send lyrical prose, wondrous prose, fierce prose. Do send words that successfully skate on the edge of realities. Arresting prose lodged in one reality is also well received.

Prose Poetry: Do not send poetry broken into lines; you will not get a response. We love lined poetry and may accept lined poetry in the future, but we do not currently publish it, no matter how wonderful. We are not fond of straightforward paragraphs masquerading as prose poetry. We like music and surprise and momentum in our prose poetry. We like strangeness, too. We like poems that unravel, ending with a lump in the editor’s throat. Please send up to three prose poems to: 

Include a short bio, and do not send previously published work.

Hybrid Works: Send genre-bending and language-bending works up to 3,000 words. We like strange things. Please send up to three pieces of hybrid works to:

Art: Please send one JPG image to: 

The editor appreciates acrylics, pen-and-ink line art, pencil drawings, collage, watercolor, experimental, impressionistic and abstract pieces, both black-and-white and color. The editor will pass on photography. Please send a brief description of the medium of the piece. Artists are encouraged to send a website link where more works are showcased.

Rights: We ask for first North American Serial Rights.

Responses to writers will be quick because the editor is busy and utilizes every minute of her day. Note: Respect will be given when respect is received; submissions shot to the editor without an accompanying few words will not be read. Multiple submissions will not be read.

  • Only send your best work. Proofread. Work with sloppy errors makes the editor think you don’t care or don’t know any better.
  • Send your work in docx, doc or in the body of the email.
  • Issues are available online only, four times a year.
  • We accept simultaneous submissions.
  • We do not accept multiple submissions in various genres.
  • We do not accept reprints.
  • We do not pay for accepted submissions.
  • If work is accepted, please wait one year before submitting again.
  • Yay for wondrous words and art. Yay for you.

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