Friday, April 17, 2015

Call for Submissions: Uproot

Uproot is a literary journal whose main interest lies in place–more specifically, moving from place to place. We want to read and share literature that is complex, work that challenges notions of genre, work that pulls you up by the roots and plants you somewhere else, somewhere unexpected. Uproot is a journal about moving in the loosest sense, be it moving from a big city to a small town, switching schools, getting a new job, starting somewhere fresh or returning somewhere stale, etc. 

We’re interested in topics concerning the geological and emotional estrangement, displacement, alienation, longing, as well as that sense of discovery and exploration and all of the other contradictory feelings associated with moving to a new/old location. A clear and strong development of setting and character is, to say the least, our most primary concern when selecting any piece of work. 

General Submission guidelines:
Poetry 3-5 poems
● Prose 3,000 words maximum

● Please submit work as either .doc/.docx file or PDF file as attachments.
● We do not accept work that has been copied and pasted into the body of an email.
● We are a tri-quarterly journal with rolling submissions, so we accept work at all times of the year, though depending on when you submit we may or may not be reading your story for the present issue.
● Please submit a brief 60 word bio written in the 3rd person
● Please send only original, unpublished work
● If your work has been published elsewhere please let us know so we can retract your submission
Our current submission window for our next issue is 3/13/15-5/14/15

Please send submissions to:

uprootmagATgmailDOTcom (Change AT to @ and DOT to . )

Thanks for reading!

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