Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Call for Submissions to Anthology of Contemporary Collaborative Writing: Black Lawrence Press

Submissions link. 

Deadline: March 31, 2017 

Black Lawrence Press Introduces
A Multi-Genre Anthology of Contemporary Collaborative Writing

Editors: Simone Muench + Dean Rader
Assistant Editors: Sally Ashton + Jackie K. White

Forthcoming in Summer 2018!

This innovative and inclusive anthology of recent collaborative writing will include poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction, as well as hybridized forms that push the boundaries of concepts like "genre" and "author.” We are looking for collaborative writing that involves more than one living writer as the primary authors. We invite works that feature identifiable alternating perspectives as well as pieces that are co-authored or group authored, making it impossible to tell which of the named authors actually "wrote" or "created" the text. Although we see the potential for future anthologies that would be “collaborations” between the person writing the story or poem and a writer or artist no longer living, like an ekphrastic poem, a cento, an erasure, or an invented interview (a la Borges), this particular anthology will focus on collaborations between living writers only.

General Guidelines for Submissions

We ask that you include the names and contact information for all of the authors who collaborated on the work you are submitting.

Poems: Please submit 3 to 6 poems that are less than 100 lines each.
Fiction: Please submit a single fiction piece of up to 3000 words.
Creative nonfiction: Please submit a single creative nonfiction piece of up to 3000 words.
Hybrids: Please submit a single hybrid piece of up to 3000 words.

We accept simultaneous submissions, but request that we are immediately notified of publication elsewhere. We will only accept multiple submissions by an author if they are submitting with a different collaborator.

Collaborative work may have been previously published in literary magazines, anthologies, and/or book collections. We ask for world serial rights for any work selected, but not first serial rights.

For this particular anthology, we aren’t currently considering translations.

You can expect to hear by late Summer 2017 (though it could be much sooner than that).

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