Sunday, October 23, 2016

Call for Submissions: Midnight Circus

Midnight Circus is a seasonally published lit mag and online collection of poetry and prose. Each season we select a theme and accept submissions of poems and short stories.

Submissions are open for about 2 months. As each poem or story is accepted it will be featured on our page. At the end of the submission period the accepted work will be collected and be available for sale on Amazon and in Omaha stores.

Submission Themes and Dates

Winter 2017 - Submissions open from October 1 - November 30, 2016
Theme: Winter (the season)
Print copy available December 21, 2016

Spring 2017 - Submissions open from January 1 - February 28, 2017
Theme - Spring (the season)
Print copy available March 20, 2017

Summer 2017 - Submissions open from April 1 - May 31
Theme - Summer (the season)
Print copy available June 21, 2017

To submit to Midnight Circus send an email to:

EABPublishingATgmailDOTcom (Change AT to @ and DOT to . )

with your work attached in a WORD document and the following:

Your Name
Your Bio
Name of the work being submitted
Author website or social media links you would like listed with your work

Up to 5 poems may be submitted per season. Prose should be roughly between 2,000 and 5,000 words.

All published work will be featured in the seasonal issue of Midnight Circus and on the EAB Publishing pages. The author agrees that their work is original and properly cited. EAB Publishing does not currently pay royalties for publication in Midnight Circus nor do we provide a print copy of the issue upon publication. The author retains the rights to their work, but agrees not to publish the work in another publication until one year after the issue is released.

Submission Guidelines

The use of mixed media and formatting can be used to enhance a story, and we are all for it. Clever uses of space in poetry, art to support a short story, these are all great and welcome in submissions, but not required. To maintain a low price print version of our literary magazine, all material must be in B&W.

Gratuitous Violence and Explicitly Sexual Content. These all have their place, it just isn’t here. If your work falls into the category of Horrorcore, Grindhouse, Erotica, or similar, please do not submit to Midnight Circus.

Fan Fiction. Gotta love it! But we can’t publish it. Exceptions being work within the public domain.

Send submissions as a .docx or .docs files. This makes formatting and editing easy for all involved.

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