Saturday, April 14, 2012

Call for Submissions: The Whistling Fire

We are happy to announce our May Guest Editor is Massiel Ladrón De Guevara
Submission Deadline April 21st

Dear Writers,

Truth is defined by people’s perception, which means that what is true for one person is not necessarily true for the other. The beauty of writing is that truth is irrelevant. It doesn’t matter if you really spent the summer in Thailand fishing with locals or the spring kayaking in Alaska. What matters is your ability to capture the human experience and to connect with others through it.

I am interested in reading about your truths, real or imagined. Don’t limit yourself to actual events and don’t be afraid to move from one experience/feeling to the other. Make me feel connected to you through the human experience. I want to be completely submerged in your world and to be able to feel, hear and see everything you write.

Best of Luck,

Massiel Ladrón De Guevara
Guest Editor

Rules: Accepting fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Please send your submissions to:
whistlingfire(at) (replace (at) with @)

Please include the words “May Editor” in your subject line. No more than two submissions per author, work must be under 3000 words. Must be sent as an attachment (MS WORD preferred). Simultaneous submissions accepted. Previously published work is also allowed as long as the author retains the rights. Please include a short third person bio for our contributor’s page. Submissions Close: April 21st.

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