Saturday, September 19, 2020

Call for Submissions on Theme of "Touch": Painted Bride Quarterly

Locked down and distanced, we remember that touch is our “most urgent sense” (as Diane Ackerman put it in A Natural History of the Senses). Writing well before the pandemic, Ackerman noted how “we forget that touch is not only basic to our species, but the key to it.” Touch heals, touch comforts, touch arouses; it also terrifies and torments. Good touch, bad touch, “touched in the head:" we consistently take touch for granted in our visually super-charged culture.
PBQ craves touch. We’re looking for poems, essays, short stories, and flash fiction that have to do with touch--or its shadows and sisters (isolation, loneliness, etc).
We will be paying all authors $20 per accepted piece, no matter the genre, (i.e. if we publish two poems, you will receive $40).  We hope that payment can grow as our income does, and we know it’s not a significant amount—but, please understand that the idea of paying our authors drives us. The nominal payment still has meaning for us, as we hope it will for you.
Deadline: October 1, 2020 
Submit your work here.

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