Saturday, September 28, 2019

Call for Submissions: Linden Avenue Literary Journal

Linden Avenue Literary Journal publishes poetry, short fiction, and creative non-fiction which highlights the intersection between art and everyday life.

We look for work that resonates on the tongue and on the page. We especially favor clear, concise, and character-driven narratives. We aim to highlight the best work submitted regardless of any affiliation or prior publication. We publish work that is as beautiful in construction as it is in content. Our goal has been to create a place where writers would feel comfortable in sharing their words and in turn themselves.

Fiction - Up to 2,500 words

Creative Non-Fiction - Up to 3,000 words

Flash Fiction - Up to 1,000 words

Visual Art - Up to 5 images

Poetry - 3 to 5 poems (up to 50 lines per piece)

Please be sure to include your social media information, website, and a brief biography with your submission.

Visit our website to learn more.

Go here to submit.

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