Sunday, August 12, 2018

Call for Poetry Submissions: Presence: A Journal of Catholic Poetry

Call for Submissions -- Presence: A Journal of Catholic Poetry
Submission period: August 1-October 1, 2018 for our third annual issue (April 2019)

Presence, an international journal planned for annual print publication each spring, is an independent journal affiliated with the Department of English, Caldwell University, Caldwell, NJ, and edited by Mary Ann B. Miller.

We publish poems on the basis of their artistic excellence, rather than on the basis of the author's professed creed or because the subject matter is explicitly Catholic. The poems in this journal convey God’s presence in any number of ways—by exploring the intersection of matter and spirit, by depicting the struggle between belief and doubt, by questioning the faith, being surprised by it, taking joy in it, even finding humor in it.

Past contributors include: Jim Daniels, Kate Daniels, Dana Gioia, Paul Mariani, and Marilyn Nelson.

A poem from our inaugural issue was selected for Best American Poetry 2017, and Poetry Daily selected an interview from the 2018 issue for its weekly prose feature. We nominate for prizes. 

Please send up to five unpublished poems, each no more than two pages in length, in a single Word file, using 11-point Times New Roman font.

Be sure that your name, mailing address, phone number, and email address appear at the upper right-hand corner of every page of the file.

Include a short cover letter in which you provide a 100-125 word bio, as outlined in the submission guidelines on our website.

Attach the file to an email to the editor at:

mmillerATcaldwellDOTedu (Change AT to @ and DOT to . )

with the following subject line: "Submit poems to Presence 2019." 

No submission fee. No monetary payment is possible at this time. Contributor copy only. 

Our mission statement and submission guidelines may be found on our website.

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