Stone Court Writer-In-Residence
Stockbridge, Massachusetts
The Stone Court Writer-In-Residence has a number of aspects. First, it is designed to provide emerging writers the freedom, time and material support to concentrate on their creative work. Second, it is focused on bringing to the Berkshire Hills in Western Massachusetts young writers who represent diverse American voices, particularly those from other regions of the United States. Finally, it is structured to permit the writer to contribute to the community by leading a creative writing “master class” at a local independent high school and offering at least one community reading of his/her work.
The program offers two 8-12 week residencies, one beginning in September and one beginning in February. The specific length of each residency will be determined in consultation with each Resident.
The residency includes a small one bedroom apartment in Stockbridge, Mass. The apartment is on the second floor (walkup) of a quiet colonial building listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Stockbridge, Mass. is in western Massachusetts approximately two hours west of Boston and two and one-half hours north of New York City. It is the home of a number of museums including the Norman Rockwell Museum and Chesterwood. Nearby are a number of cultural institutions including The Mount, Tanglewood, and Jacobs Pillow.
The resident will receive a stipend in addition to lodging and utilities. Residents are responsible for their own transportation and meals. The stipend will be $250 per week for the length of the residency.
The principal responsibility of each Resident will be to spend time further developing his/her creative work. In addition, each Resident will be asked to lead 2 one hour creative writing master classes each week at the Great Barrington Waldorf High School (located within short walking distance of the residence in Stockbridge). The Great Barrington Waldorf High School provides an education for adolescents that seeks truth, develops imagination, nurtures growth, fosters responsibility, and honors inner freedom in an atmosphere of academic excellence, artistic fulfillment, openness, and mutual respect. More information about the school can be found on this website.
The tentative schedule for this class is 12:30 to 1:30 on each Wednesday and Friday. But, the final schedule is subject to discussion with each Resident. The specific course focus will be based on the Resident’s background and interests.
Candidate Information:
Over time, the program hopes to attract young writers from a variety of regions of the U.S. For the Fall 2014 and Spring 2015 residency, preference will be given to those writers bringing a distinctive Southern voice to their work. The program is open to those who are pursuing or have completed a graduate degree in creative writing or who have completed an undergraduate creative writing degree in the last five years.
Applications will be considered as received until a candidate is selected. The final cutoff date for applicants is July 25, 2014. Submit all material to:
stonecourtwriterATgmailDOTcom (Change AT to @ and DOT to . )
Included should be:
A writing sample of a chapter of a novel or work in progress, or a short story;
A one page artist statement describing your goals for your writing and for the residency;
A resume, including contact details;
Two professional references, including contact details.
Contact Information:
Stone Court Writer-In-Residence Program
PO Box 129
Stockbridge, MA 01262
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