Saturday, May 25, 2024

Writers and Artists Residency: 2025 Centrum Residencies

Welcome to Centrum's Application for 2025 Residencies

We’ve updated our application process and will be accepting applications for three of our residency programs (Emerging Artist, In the Making, and Self-Directed Residencies) via the same application portal between April 15-June 30, 2024. In your application, simply select the residencies you’d like to be considered for.

Our residency program is aimed at providing artists, writers, and creatives in all disciplines permission to relax, to focus, and/or re-invent their practice as needed. We believe that residencies are a central part of any artistic practice and that magic happens when you take time to reflect and focus on what matters most. We also believe that community matters, and that being in residence alongside others expands networks, fosters collectivity and friendship, and helps our arts ecosystem thrive. We encourage all applicants to read all about what Centrum Residencies offer here.

In this application stage, we will ask for: 

  • Work samples, along with a link directly to an existing online portfolio if you have one, so that our panel can understand your practice. Our panels look to curate a diversity of practices, work that is relevant to contemporary issues and work that expands thinking in its field. Residencies are open to practices that include but not limited to: visual arts, writing, curatorial, performance, dance, music, and social practices.
  • Demographics to ensure that we are selecting from a diverse pool of applicants.
  • The type of workspace/accommodations needed for your work
  • One short paragraph about what a residency would mean to you.
  • Indicate which residency programs you want to be considered for.

Submit by June 30th to be considered for the 2025 Emerging Artist Residency, In the Making Residencies, or Self-Directed Residencies.

Please note: Due to staff capacity, we absolutely cannot accept any applications past June 30, 2024 and thus we highly encourage you to complete and submit your application prior to the last minute should you encounter any issues with uploading your files, etc. Submittable does get crowded on the last day of applications; every year applicants submitting on the last day report problems uploading materials! Please submit early.

Our Review Process

Applicants will be reviewed and selected by a panel of reviewers representing our alumni and a diversity of backgrounds and modalities. Our jurors are established, emergent, and mid-career artists. Due to the high volume of applications, and in consideration of the workload of our jurors, we are unable to offer feedback on applications.

In the interest of transparency and integrity, here are the estimated numbers for our 2025 residency season: 7 spots for Emerging Artists Residency, 3 spots for In The Making, and 60 spots for Self-Directed Residencies. We will have approximately 10 scholarships available, with hopes of raising funds for more.

Submit your application here.

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