Saturday, July 20, 2024

Call for Submissions: DuFrank Lit

cover of DuFrank Lit Issue 1 published in June 2024

DuFrank Lit is a semi-annual online journal. Please read our mission statement regarding the type of work we seek for publication.

We accept submissions through our online form.

Submission Requirements: 

Submit online during open periods: January 1-March 31 and July 1-September 30. 

We accept the following:

  • Fiction (up to 5,000 words)
  • Flash fiction (up to 500 words)
  • Your email subject should include the type of submission and its title. Send submissions as word or pdf attachments with the title and word count in the header.
  • Include a brief (250 words or less) bio in the body of your email.
  • Persons of all voices and backgrounds are encouraged to apply. However, currently we only publish in English.
  • We accept simultaneous submissions, just let us know as soon as possible if your work is accepted elsewhere.
  • We do not offer payment for publications.
  • No previously published or AI generated work.
  • We ask for first-publication rights for online and print. Contributors may republish their work citing DuFrank Lit as the original publisher. We retain the right to re-publish online or in print in an anthology.

Call for Submissions on Theme of "Perspective": NOMADartx Review

 painting of a feminine figure wearing a suit and sporting a mustache

Our NOMADartx Review considers and curates fresh voices in arts and literature that address creativity and the creative process. We review all media of visual art and submissions of original written work in fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction/personal essay, interviews, and reviews.


1. Fiction, Personal Essay & Poetry: For general prose and poetry submissions, please note that while we welcome writing of any length, we are more likely to publish pieces under 5,000 words. Please limit your submissions to one per reading cycle.

2. Industry Specials: For our "Industry Specials" column, we seek innovative voices to discuss or demonstrate tools to help creatives grow their personal goals and careers. Emerging and working creatives regularly face challenges in time, funding, work value, work-life balance, and more. We're looking to publish articles that address these concerns from personal experience or collective wisdom. NOMADartx Review is seeking these subtopics, especially:

Promotion, connections, and effective ways to sell work and services;
Pricing time and/or physical works;
Artistic processes and tools;
Guides to style and/or program-building;
Access assistance for useful programs (physical and digital);
Resume and portfolio builders;
Confidence and self-worth;
Grant-writing and residency advice.

3. Critiques, Interviews, & Reviews: for works of an analytical nature, we’re looking for observers to share reviews and inclusive opinions about bodies of work, galleries, art houses, communities, creatively-geared sites, and more. While the focus is not limited to emerging creatives, projects, and businesses, NOMADartx Review is seeking new and exciting approaches that are lesser-known, such as articles addressing:

Explorative considerations of shows and exhibits, educational centers or projects;
Interviews with emerging creative people;
Creative reviews on singular or collective pieces by one person or collaborations;
Philosophical or social considerations of oeuvres and styles not specific to one artist.

4. Visual Art: please limit submissions to 5 pieces per reading cycle, prepared in .jpg or .png format. The resolution for images should be greater than 70 dpi. Please include your artist statement in the cover letter area, linking your submission to themes of the magazine.

General Submission Guidelines:

Please email submissions directly to:

We cannot accept paper submissions at this time, unless you are an incarcerated writer or artist. In that case, please mail work to: 

809 S. Mann Ave
Tucson, AZ 85710
  • While we welcome writing submissions of any length, we are more likely to publish prose under 5,000 words.
  • Please prepare writing submissions in one letter-sized document, using a standard typeface (e.g., Times, Helvetica, Arial) and font size (12 point). All files must be uploaded in PDF or Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) formats. Please do not include your name anywhere on your manuscript (rather, include it in the cover letter). Please DO include page numbers.
  • For visual art: please limit submissions to 5 pieces per reading cycle, and prepare your files in .jpg or .png formats. The resolution for images should be greater than 70 dpi.
  • We reserve the right to pair accepted visual works alongside written pieces or other artworks, and curate multiple works into groups for features. Additionally, we may select certain works to feature, in part or whole, in banner areas of the NOMADartx site.
  • We are open to simultaneous submissions, but please email us to let us know as soon as your work is accepted elsewhere.
  • We may occasionally republish previously published work, as long as this does not conflict with previous contracts. However, you must indicate previously published work when you submit.
  • Responses will be provided as promptly as we, with a small staff, are able to provide them. Please do not email us about the status of your work until at least six months after submission.
  • Although NOMADartx Review does not request exclusive rights to accepted work, we do request the right to preserve your work online in our archives for the lifespan of the magazine. If the work we publish is later republished, we request that you note its initial publication in NOMADartx.
  • NOMADartx Review is currently an all-volunteer publication and we're unable to provide payment at this time. However, we are passionate about promoting great art, and will submit contributor work for appropriate literary and art prizes!

Thank you for your interest in NOMADartx & The NOMADartx Review, and in helping to build creative community! 

--Happy Arting!
The NOMADartx Crew

Call for Submissions on Theme of "Zodiac": Moonflake Press

 Recent cover image or website screenshot for Moonflake Press Online

read through our guidelines and send us your work to: 

While we welcome everyone’s work, we do have set themes for each issue. We announce them on social media as well as on here. You don’t need to be so literal but please don’t send us work that has no correlation whatsoever. That being said, as long as your work checks the following boxes, we can’t wait to read it!

- Please send one email per genre. For example, send one email with a poetry submission and a SEPARATE one with fiction.

Please use 12 pt font such as Garamond, Times New Roman, Baskerville Old Face...

✦ Your editor is Fran Fernández Arce ✦

▸You can rhyme or not, we don’t mind.

▸Maximum 5 poems per writer.

▸No longer than 10 pages total.

✦ Your editor is Cyrine Sinti ✦

▸Minimum 100 words

▸Maximum 1500 words

▸Any use of non-English words is fine, just pop the English meaning in a footnote for us.


We accept micro-essays, personal essays, memoirs, travel writing, diary entries, anecdotes and your own literary take on true, factual stories!
✦ Your editor is Shayal Kaur ✦

▸Minimum 1000 words

▸Maximum 1500 words

▸Any use of non-English words is fine, just pop the English meaning in a footnote for us.


Theme: zodiac


​astroflakes is a yearly mini-issue featuring zodiac-themed prose and poetry.

​Subject Line: astroflakes - Zodiac sign - genre

(example: astroflakes - Leo - poetry)

In the email, introduce yourself briefly, and attach your submission as a word document. Our maximum word count is 1,000 words.

​Please make sure that your submission corresponds to the vibe, definition, or personal connection to the zodiac sign that you are submitting for.

(Writers may submit work for up to three different signs in three different emails!)

We look forward to reading your wonderful astrological writing!

- Submissions which don't stick to the guidelines will not be opened or answered.

We don't make any money off Moonflake Press and we pay for everything ourselves.

Call for Submissions: Consequence

Recent cover image or website screenshot for Consequence

Submissions are welcome during the spring (January 15 – April 15) and fall (July 15 – October 15) reading periods*, and will be considered for our print publication (Consequence journal), our website (Consequence online), or our blog (Consequence substack). Please note that all subs need to address in some manner the consequences of war or geopolitical violence.

If you have questions, please check out our FAQ page. If you still have questions after reading that, please send us an email via the form at the bottom of this page. Thank you.

*Translations is open year-round

Print: $20 per piece
Online Feature: $50
Substack: $30

We love any and all forms of poetry so no restrictions here.

Up to three poems per sub

Print: 1-4 pp—$30
5-10 pp—$40 | 11+ pp—$50
Online Feature: $50
Substack: $30

Interviews, Critical & Personal Essays, Narrative Nonfiction, and everything in-between < four thousand words

The same pay scale and guidelines as listed for the corresponding genre (e.g., a translated poem follows the Poetry guidelines)

Please note: Translations have additional sub requirements, which are listed on our submission platform.

Print: 1-4 pp—$30
5-10 pp—$40 | 11+ pp—$50
Online Feature: $50
Substack: $30

Short: < five thousand words Flash: < a thousand words (regardless of the no. of pieces)
Excerpts: < five thousand words

We pay for reviews, though primarily publish ones we solicit. We’re open to pitches, though, so if you have a review idea for a book, movie, play, etc., that’s related to craft and/or our themes—please reach out to our Reviews Editor here:

Fifteen hundreed to three thousand words

Print: $200 for eight-page spread
$100 for the cover
Online Feature: $50
Substack: $30

We’re interested in all forms and mediums, though graphic narratves tend to work better online.
More information and submission link here.

Writing Competition: The Toni Beauchamp Prize in Critical Art Writing

The Toni Beauchamp Prize in Critical Art Writing

Surveying the scope of critical art writing today, the board, advisory board, and editors of Gulf Coast recognize the significant lack of venues and support for young and mid-career writers working across the United States. The Toni Beauchamp Prize in Critical Art Writing seeks to address this lacuna by bringing exposure to writers who are dealing with the spirit of the age and unafraid to ask difficult questions.

The 2024 Beauchamp Prize will be judged by Leslie Moody Castro.

Grounded in both scholarship and journalism, critical art writing occupies a specific niche. The best examples appeal to a diverse readership through an accessible approach and maintain a unique voice and literary excellence. The Beauchamp Prize will consider submissions of work that have been written (or published) within the last year. A variety of creative approaches and formats to writing on the visual arts are encouraged, and can include thematic essays, exhibition reviews, and scholarly essays.

There will be one first place prize of $3,000 dollars, and two runners up, awarded $1,000 each. The winning essay will be featured in GC's printed journal, and the two runners-up will be considered for publication.

Deadline August 31st

Entries for the Toni Beauchamp Prize in Critical Art Writing should be a single piece of prose, written in English, not exceeding 1,500 words.

Submission Guidelines

- Click here for online submissions accepted via Gulf Coast’s Submittable
- Submit your work as a single .doc, .docx, or .pdf file.
- All work submitted must have been written or published within the last year.
- It is the author's responsibility to secure image permissions and, when applicable, reprint permission if the submission has been previously published.
- The contest will be judged blindly, so please do not include your bio, your name, or any contact information in the uploaded document. This information should only be pasted in the “Comments” field.
- There is currently no entry fee.

Call for Submissions from the Black Diaspora: Arcanum Magazine

Arcanum is the secret language shared by the African diaspora…

We are a global collective of Black creatives making space outside the margins. We are the storytellers, the healers, the offbeat, and unconventional. We are an intersectional community whose mission is to uplift the work of our peers.

Arcanum Magazine is a digital and print magazine for creative writing, visual art, cultural criticism, and journalism by and for the Black diaspora. Just because we are Black artists does not mean our work has to be based in tragedy, and edited for mass consumption. It should also be funny and joyful and risky and heartwarming. All those things we are, so often, not allowed to be. Arcanum is liberation, here we exist freely.

Our mission is to platform and pay Black people for their work. A portion of the creative work by Arcanum Magazine contributors will be free and accessible online.

Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis. There is no fee to submit.

We believe anything created by a Black person, is a Black subject!

Most importantly, we will pay you for your work.

More information and submission link here.

Call for Collaborative Submissions: Icebreakers Lit

It’s chaotic good. It’s giving Furbies howling at the blood moon. It’s that reoccurring dream you keep having about David Bowie as Jareth the Goblin King in Labyrinth (just me?).

We like 80s and 90s nostalgia, nods to pop culture, and vulnerability. We like good writing that doesn’t take itself too seriously. We also like being surprised and things that don’t quite follow the rules so, if your work is none of this but you think we’ll like it, send it anyway. This space is for letting creativity flow without getting in our own heads.

At our minty liquid core, Icebreakers is about fostering connection within the lit community. As such, general and themed submissions should be the work of two or more authors / artists (no max). If you’re coming to the party with collaborators already in mind, great! If not, please see our “Spin the Bottle” opportunity for artists 18+.

Please submit all work through our Submittable page.

In addition to these more “formal” submissions, all work created through our Ice Ice Baby Collaborative Challenges on Twitter will be published on the website.Icebreakers is interested in poetry, flash, art, fiction, essays, CNF, that weird little thing you wrote in your notes app but don’t know what to call, etc. We want your art, and we know that art comes in many glorious forms. We aren’t too picky about rules, but to keep this reasonable, here are a few requests:

- Poetry – up to 3 pieces in any form, any length

- Micro and flash fiction – 3 pieces per submission
- Visual Art – up to 3 high resolution images

- Short fiction, CNF, and everything else – 1 piece per submission, 2500 words or under (unless stated otherwise in calls for submissions) 

We also accept simultaneous submissions and previously published work. Just let us know if you’re published elsewhere so we can do a little celebratory dance with you.

If accepted, you grant us first publication and archival rights, and the rights always return to you AND your writing buddies. Please be cool and credit (and tag!) Icebreakers Lit if your work is published elsewhere in the future. We love celebrating you. Seriously.

Unfortunately, we are not YET a paying market.