Saturday, May 11, 2024

Call for Submissions from LGBTQ+ Writers on Theme of "Dream": Rough Cut Press

We seek work of all genres by writers from the LGBTQIA community. We do not define or gatekeep what it means to be a queer writer: if you think your work belongs here, then it belongs here. To get a sense of what we publish please read some of our former issues. We don’t know what we like until we see it. Each month we announce a different theme, but don’t worry if the work you submit doesn’t quite fit: we often build issues and themes around work that takes us by surprise.
Simultaneous submissions are encouraged; we ask that you notify us if your work is accepted elsewhere.
Written submissions are limited to 650 words. Please leave your name off of the submission itself and send one piece per submission, in PDF format. We do not charge a submission fee or a subscription fee; we offer all published artists a $25 honorarium as compensation.*
Deadline: May 27, 2024
Submit your work here.

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