Saturday, May 18, 2024

Call for Submissions: Antiphony: a journal and press

submission guidelines

We are an all-inclusive journal welcoming a diversity of voices. We strive to publish emerging as well as more established writers

open year-round

We never charge submission or reading fees and have a "no-contest" model of publishing.

We ask that you wait a minimum of three months between submissions. Simultaneous submissions are welcome. If you haven’t heard from us after one month, please query.

A.t this time we are not a paying market. Please send one to five previously unpublished poems as an email attachment in .doc or .docx format, no pdf’s. Include a cover letter with bio (90 word max) sent as an attachment.

​chapbook submissions

  • ​five page excerpt along with cover letter & bio
  • submissions close nov. 1, 2024 
  • books will be sold on our website, at awp 2025 & distributed nationally
  • $500 honorarium & ten free copies

prose submissions

  • reviews, interviews
  • short & long-form critical essays
  • literary criticism, close reads & comparative essays
  • 300 word max pitch along with bio & cover letter

If your work is accepted by αntiphony, you grant us first north american serial rights all archival rights, plus the rights to reprint in any future anthologies. Upon publication all rights revert back to the writer. You agree that should your poem(s) subsequently appear in another print or online publication you will give due credit to αntiphony

send all submissions to:

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