Saturday, May 25, 2024

Call for Submissions: Cosmorama

At Cosmorama, we run every submission through ‘The Hell Yeah Test’

‘The Hell Yeah Test’ is the following: Does this make us stop and say “oh, HELL yeah” ? If it does, we wanna do it!

We’re accepting:

Flash fiction (1k words or under, for which we pay $10 for publication on our site)

Short fiction (over 1k words, for which we pay $30 for publication on our site)

Visual….stuff (art, visual stories, whatever you think we’d dig, really)

Novellas/novels (feel free to send us the overview of what you have cookin’)

Comics/cartoons (so, like, comic books and/or cartoon strips)

Games (especially with emphasis on story, aesthetic, or a sweet combo of both)

Albums (music rocks)

Anything you think fits between those categories, send it along! We love it all. If we vibe with it, we’ll figure it out from there together.

Feel free to send stuff to: 

(and pretty please add some context, like who you are, preferred pronouns, and info about what you’re sending!) Go nuts!

The Payboard

Updated as of 05/24/2024

The following rates apply for Works published on the Cosmorama website. Any subsequent publication of a Work in digital and/or physical Cosmorama collections will not occur unless Creator is contacted and gives their express written consent.

Flash (under 1k words) - $10
Short (between 1k words and 16,999 words) - $30
Novella (17,000 words to 50,000) - let’s chat!
Novel (50,000 and above) - let’s chat!

Poem - $10

Piece - $10

Let’s chat!

Let’s chat!

Let’s chat!

Have something you feel like is sorta in-between forms? Guess what…….Let’s chat!

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