Friday, May 17, 2024

Call for Submissions: Two Hawks Quarterly

Two Hawks Quarterly is looking for exquisitely crafted work that will astonish, surprise, challenge, and delight us. THQ accepts simultaneous submissions, but please inform us immediately if your work is accepted elsewhere. All work received is reviewed by at least three editors and often read aloud in a group setting. We strive to respond to every submission within four months or less.

Please send no more than one piece of fiction or creative nonfiction of 5,000 words maximum length at a time, or five pieces of flash fiction or flash creative nonfiction. We discourage novel excerpts unless they stand alone and work as satisfying short stories.

We’re interested in all forms of creative nonfiction: memoir, personal essays, and hybrid forms, but not straight reportage, academic essays, travel writing, or editorializing rants.

Poetry: Our tastes in poetry are eclectic; we like narrative, we like lyrical, we can get excited over edgy too, but please send no more than five poems at a time. And no first drafts or 2:00 a.m. at the bar compositions—you'll hate yourself in the morning.

Include a brief cover note with your submission that includes a mini-bio, list of prior publications, and contact information. We tend to read cover notes after we’ve read your work so as not to be swayed by them.

We also feature drawings, paintings, photographs, and/or mixed media works in each issue. If you are interested in having us consider your art, please submit it under the Art category. 

If your work is experimental or doesn't fit cleanly into the above categories, please submit as Genre X. 

All correspondence with THQ goes through our online submissions system Submittable. Once we accept your work, we will send a link where you can submit a more detailed biography and photo. 

We look forward to enjoying your work!

Submit your work here.

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