Saturday, May 25, 2024

Call for Submissions: Barrelhouse

Recent cover image or website screenshot for Barrelhouse Magazine 


Print magazine: We are open for submissions of fiction, poetry, and nonfiction for issue 25 of our print magazine. We pay $50 per contributor. Simultaneous submissions are welcome. No submission fees. Full guidelines are over at Submittable.

Fiction: submissions capped at 500. If we hit this number before 5/31/24, the submission window will close.

Nonfiction: submissions capped at 500.

Poetry: submissions capped at 800.

Book reviews (open, ongoing): Barrelhouse loves to celebrate books just like you do, so let's do that thing together! We're interested in running reviews of books that fit Our Whole Thing. You read Barrelhouse, so you know what we're about. Let that be your guide. Full submission guidelines are here. 


Please read these instructions before you submit. We know we aren’t reinventing the wheel here, but it will make it easier on all of us if you have a general sense for what we’re looking for and how we’d like to get it.

We accept submissions through the Submittable online submissions manager. That’s the only way we accept submissions.

No previously published work.

There is no maximum length, although we tend to publish stuff shorter than 8,000 words

Please submit only one piece at a time. Except for poetry. You can submit up to five poems. Everybody else — just one!

Online issues have their own guidelines, so be sure to read them.

We pay $50 to each contributor to our print and online issues, as well as two contributor copies.

We accept simultaneous submissions — you would have to be insane to be sending your stuff out to one place at a time, right? Seriously. We hope you’ll tell us as soon as possible if you place the work elsewhere, though.

It will probably take us ~six months to get back to you. We try to do that faster, but there are few of us and many of you.

About electronic files: Please only send us word or rich-text (.rtf) files. Seriously. If you send something in a file format that we can’t read, it greatly reduces your chances of publication. For poetry, please submit your poems as a single document.

Stay up to date on current calls for submission by signing up for our newsletter.

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