Saturday, May 18, 2024

Call for Submissions on Theme of "Play": carte blanche

Call for Submissions: Issue 49 “Play”

It has been a dark and challenging few years for many of us. Hustle culture is celebrated and plowing through our work days can leave us exhausted. Sometimes we need to take a break from the seriousness of day-to-day life and binge-watch a favourite Marvel Universe show or indulge in some variation of Cards Against Humanity with our family and friends.

The theme for our upcoming issue 49 is ”Play.” We are interested in your narrative and poetic experiments, odd stories, humorous pieces, weird fiction, and the quirky. We ultimately leave “Play” up for your interpretation. Have fun!

We invite creators to submit previously unpublished pieces in the following genres: fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, translations (French to English), photography, and comics for carte blanche issue 49, “Play.”

Submissions open on March 15, 2024, and close on June 15, 2024.

carte blanche acknowledges the intersectionality of individuals’ lived experiences and aims to provide a welcoming and safe space for racialized and marginalized voices. We encourage and welcome submissions by individuals who identify as LGBTQ2S+, BIPOC, disabled, and those who live with mental health challenges or neurodivergence.

Please note that while Canadian and international creators are welcome to submit their work to us for consideration, as a result of our affiliation with the Quebec Writers’ Federation and Canada Council grant requirements, we may emphasize a focus on Quebec-based creators in a given issue.

Submit your work here.

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