Saturday, December 28, 2024

Call for Submissions to Anthology on Theme of "Paris": Pure Slush

Paris Great Cities Vol. 1

Submissions for Paris Great Cities Vol. 1 are NOW OPEN.

We are accepting submissions of poetry and prose (fiction and non-fiction) for Paris.

Your submission must include Paris, whether as a memory, wishful thinking, an anecdote, the setting for your story or poem, a place of importance, or where you live or holiday …

Your submission must also be: original, so previously unpublished online or in print (so that includes authors’ websites and blogs)
150 word minimum limit for fiction and non-fiction, stories and essays / maximum 1000 words. (That’s for each story / essay: maximum number of prose pieces you can submit is 3.)
80 word minimum limit for poetry / maximum 1000 words. (That’s for each poem: maximum number of poems you can submit is 5.)

A good idea is to check out what we do and don’t like … and to find out more about this, click here.

If you have any further questions, please email:

(Submissions will close 31st January 2025.)

To submit, click here. Please include the word PARIS, plus your name and the title of your submission, and the word count. (Please note: word counts do not include titles or your name.)

PLEASE NOTE: if you are submitting more than one poem, story or essay, we really prefer they are all included on one document. So if you have 5 poems or 3 stories to submit, please include them on one document, and thus make one submission, rather than 5 submissions (one for each poem) or 3 submissions (one for each story).

If you are new to Pure Slush, please include a brief bio or profile of yourself.

For other topics re submitting and rights etc, click here.

The volumes in the series will be, in order: Paris Vol. 1
London Vol. 2
New York Vol. 3
Rome Vol. 4
Berlin Vol. 5
Madrid Vol. 6
Vienna Vol. 7
Lisbon Vol. 8
Reykjavik Vol. 9
Sydney Vol. 10

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