Sunday, September 15, 2024

Call for Submissions on Theme of Water and Waterways: Saranac Review

Recent cover image or website screenshot for Saranac Review

Founded in 2004 as a print journal and published by students and faculty in the creative writing program at SUNY Plattsburgh, with the help of guest editors and readers, Saranac Review has relaunched as an online-exclusive publication. Our production schedule is dependent upon availability of personnel to teach our Editing and Publishing seminar.

We only accept submissions through Submittable during our reading periods; please do not email us your work. We will open again for Submissions on September 8. Check Submittable for more information.

Saranac Review pays $60 to each contributor whose work is selected and featured. (Please note: we charge a $3 fee to help keep our publication afloat. We do not consider work by current SUNY Plattsburgh students, faculty, or staff.)

We hope to be a good home for your beautiful, exciting, and surprising writing and art. We want to celebrate work by new and emerging writers, especially writers traditionally underrepresented in the publishing industry. Send us work you love, and we’ll feel lucky to consider it.

For Issue 20, we are especially (but not only) interested in writing and visual art about water and waterways, both literally and figuratively, and we're looking at this theme broadly:

Water as resource and source

Waterways as sites of movement and migration

Water and waterways as paths to connection, inspiration, and community

Please Note: You may submit to more than one genre, but we ask that you submit only once per genre. (If you receive a pass on a submission, please wait until the next open reading period to submit again in that genre.) We do not consider work by current SUNY Plattsburgh students, faculty, or staff.

Saranac Review pays $60 to each contributor whose work is selected and featured.

Our submission portal will remain open through October 31.

We look forward to reading your work!

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