Sunday, July 28, 2024

Call for Submissions on Theme of "Road Trip": Superpresent

Recent cover image or website screenshot for Superpresent Magazine

Superpresent is a quarterly magazine of the arts. Superpresent is available free online and a limited run of print copies for each issue. Superpresent publishes poems, short stories, essays, visual art pieces, experimental art, video art, and sound art.

We accept submissions from anywhere in the world.

No fees for submission.

The theme for the Fall 2024 issue is Road Trip

We are are seeking poetry, short stories, essays, experimental art, video, sound art, all forms of visual art as well as asemic writing and textual arts of all kinds.

Submissions Due September 1st

Visual Art Guidelines: We will accept art in JPEG format.
Artwork must be 300 dpi or higher.
All artwork must be at least 8.5’’ x 11’’ to fit in the magazine.
Up to three images may be submitted
Please include titles for images

Written Guidelines : We accept submissions in DOC, DOCX, and RTF formats.
For poetry, up to three poems, one per page
Essays and short stories should be 500-2000 words.

Video and Sound Guidelines: Send a link to the video or sound file posting (Youtube, etc)
Provide a short description of the piece (up to 100 words)
For videos provide up to three still images

Include a 50-100 word bio written in the third person with your submission.

Please send your submissions to:

Copyright and publication specifications: First Serial Rights

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