Saturday, October 21, 2023

Call for Submissions on Theme of "Funeral": The Magpie Messenger

The Magpie Messenger by Curious Corvid Publishing is the ultimate literary magazine made for, made by, and made with the works of indie writers. You'll find original poetry and prose from indie authors in your community, informative articles that help you navigate the world of publishing, and exclusive sneak peeks of upcoming content.

Are you interested in seeing your work published in a literary magazine? Visit our Submissions Page to learn how you can submit your poetry, prose, articles, artwork, and more to the Messenger. If accepted, you'll be compensated for our pleasure of using your work—we never ask you to pay us.

Winter Solstice 2023: Funeral — deadline November 30th

Works that reflect the theme will be given priority.

For organizational purposes, please include all requested information in your first email. All submissions should include the author's name, social media links and/or QR code, as well as an author photo no smaller than 8.5"x11" and 200 dpi. Written submissions should be included in the body of the email or a .doc or .docx file, not a .PDF. Failure to follow these guidelines may lead to the dismissal of your submission. Submitting content is free.

In the event of acceptance, you will receive a contract with an offer of a one-time compensation of either $10 or a print edition of the journal.

We will not consider any submissions written, developed, or assisted by AI tools and applications. Submissions of AI generated content may result in a ban from any future publication including novels and poetry collections.

​We accept the following types of submissions for the Magpie Messenger: (please specify the issue you are submitting to)


You may submit up to five poems with a maximum of 2,500 words total. Poetry should not include explicit, offensive, or triggering themes, such as child abuse or sexual assault.

Email with "Poetry Submission" in the subject line.

​ Prose​

Short stories should be no longer than 2,500 words. Content should not include explicit, offensive, or triggering themes, such as child abuse or sexual assault.

Email with "Short Story Submission" in the subject line.

​ Articles​

Articles should be no longer than 2,500 words and should include citation of any sources used. Articles containing unfounded or unsupported claims will be dismissed. Topics related to personal experience/growth as an artist, the publishing industry (mainstream or indie), literary analysis, writing advice, and book reviews will be given priority.

Email with "Article Submission" in the subject line.

​ Artwork​

Artwork must be related to the theme of the issue. All mediums are accepted. File submission should be a PDF, JPG, or PNG format at no less than 300 dpi/ppi. ​

Email with "Art Submission" in the subject line.

​ Photography​

Photography must be related to the theme of the issue. Photography will be used as background images for spreads; credit to photographer will be given in footnote and index. File submission should be a PDF, JPG, or PNG format at no less than 300 dpi/ppi but no more than 25MB in size. ​

Email with "Art Submission" in the subject line.

​ Recipes​

Recipes should be related to the theme of the issue or the season. Recipes with incomplete or difficult to follow instructions will not be accepted.

Email with "Recipe Submission" in the subject line.

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