Monday, July 31, 2023

Call for Submissions: MUTHA Magazine

We’re interested in reading nonfiction about all aspects of the journey to becoming a parent (or determining a different path). Trying to conceive, LGBTQ parenting, birth stories of all variety, experiencing loss, early days and later struggles, joy and tough times and hope and forgiveness, funny stuff and sexy stuff and stuff you didn’t think you could say out loud but just wrote it down. Politics and rants and sob stories and what you wish you had heard before you thought of it. Send it to us.

Write for MUTHA 

We’re looking for essays and memoir/stories around 1,500 words, comics / graphic narratives / photo essays, and select interviews. Very occasionally we publish poetry and select reprint. Share your voice and story.

Note: we are volunteer-run, and the site is a labor-of-love for all concerned, so unfortunately no fees are available. Please ensure you have rights to reprint any art/photos submitted. Include an author bio and photo with your submission.

Read an interview with on the submissions process at MUTHA at Duotrope.

Ask questions at the email above if you want, we’re here! Or tweet @muthamagazine or @meglemke.

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