Saturday, April 22, 2023

Call for Submissions from Women-Identifying Writers on Theme of "Love": OyeDrum


OyeDrum is an online digital press and intersectional feminist community. We are dedicated to publishing women’s creative and intellectual work, celebrating international and intergenerational voices. We publish art, multimedia, writing, but prioritize hybrid and experimental work. We highly encourage women of color and members of the LGBTQ community to submit. We accept work exclusively produced by women, including our trans sisters and all people who identify as female.

OyeDrum is a woman-owned volunteer-run operation. We remain committed to keeping our submissions free and providing a high quality online home for valuable creative work, which is why we really need your support. We appreciate you valuing our hard work by giving us a one-time contribution or joining our Patreon. Our goal is to keep OyeDrum open! We are the only online literary journal dedicated to publishing and promoting works produced exclusively by women for all audiences.


Spring is here and love is in the air! We are seeking all interpretations of the word “love.” What is love? An age-old question and our theme for OyeDrum’s volume six! How do we define it? Why do we pursue it? Does love awaken, dismantle, and transform all at once?

Beyond stories about love, we’d like to see analytical and experimental works that embody a discourse on love–what is love? Furthermore, what is love in our time? Is love a constant? Is love [still] ‘all we need’?

We want original, strange, and unique interpretations about love. We seek visual art, performance art, short films, music, spoken-audio pieces, creative writing, poetry, photo essays, short graphic novels, hybrid and experimental work. We want it all! We accept translingual pieces as well as submissions in both English and Spanish. OyeDrum Magazine is committed to presenting diverse and inclusive work from those just getting started in their careers and those who are more established.


We will not consider your submission if you fail to follow our guidelines. Please read everything! We hate having to pass up on pieces because it didn’t follow guidelines. If you need assistance or have questions, email us at:

Don’t be shy!

Creative Writing
Send us up to two pieces, no more than 5,000 words each, doubled-spaced. Submit your work in Word doc! We won’t be able to accept PDFs or Google Shared docs. If you have any challenges with sending a Word doc, including financial, please reach out to us by email. We got you!

Please submit a minimum of two poems and no more than seven poems that preferably can work as a set.

Visual Art
Photography and other visual art submissions will be accepted as both solo pieces, as well as to accompany the literary work we’re publishing. Send a minimum of 3 images in a single submission—they should work together as a set, as well as a narrative piece. Please send us 1500 px (or max 2000 px) JPEG images.

We accept pieces sent through SoundCloud, Vimeo, Youtube, and Spotify. If your visual or audio piece is uploaded through a different third party, please contact us at:

to see if we can work with it. Artists, please include your medium (i.e. acrylic on canvas, oil, etc).


1. If you are accepted, we have the right to publish your work and promote it on our social media. You, the creator of the work, will remain the one and only owner of your intellectual property with full rights.

2. We try to respond to submissions within a reasonable time but shit happens. Please query after four weeks if you have not heard back from us.

3. Please let us know if you are sending us a simultaneous submission, and let us know if your piece has been accepted elsewhere.

4. If you were recently accepted by us, we ask for a six-month waiting period before submitting again.

5. If you are submitting multiple things (in different genres), please submit each separately.

6. If you are not familiar with us, we highly recommend you read some of our previous volumes before submitting 

AGAIN! We are an ALL FEMALE VOLUNTEER-RUN PUBLISHER AND THE ONLY LIT JOURNAL ON THE WORLD WIDE WEB THAT PUBLISHES WORK BY WOMEN-ONLY (*that’s what Twitter told us) and you are submitting for free. Help your sisters out and show us that you value our work with a one time contribution or by joining our Patreon:)



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