Monday, December 26, 2022

Call for Submissions from Undergraduate Students on Theme of "The (In)Evitable Ending": Applause

Applause Issue 33 Call for Submissions

Applause is an annual, full-online journal with a strong web platform allowing us to offer an immersive reading experience as we showcase in each issue the writing that moves us most during our reading period from undergraduate writers across the country and world.

We acquire First North American Serial Rights. We pay $25 per contributor. Work selected for publication will receive both publication and national exposure through our social media support systems. Our response time is approximately one to three months.

Each annual issue is a (loosely) themed issue. Our current call for submissions is as follows:

Applause 2022-2023 Issue 33 Theme: The (In)Evitable Ending

Evitable; adj. That admits of being avoided; avoidable.

Applause is looking for the most interesting angles you can give us as your piece approaches its “evitable ending.” We're reading submissions from 9/29/2022 until 2/14/2023.

Every poem, story, and essay begins with knowing there’s an end, but the ending doesn’t have to be inevitable to satisfy the reader. The narrative’s end isn’t always the best ending to choose. Sometimes the end of “what actually happened” is really the poem, story, or essay’s beginning. We’re looking for original poems, stories, essays, and visual art pieces that showcase what happens when we avoid the avoidable.

Imagine the ending. Avoid it. Then send it to us.

Submit your work here.

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