Saturday, December 18, 2021

Call for Submissions to Anthology on The Power of the Pause: Wising Up Press

WISING UP PRESS: Wising Up Anthologies. Submissions: The Power of the Pause. Sometimes the wisest step is just to stop—to pause, listen in.

Sometimes it is better not to over-ride, overcome, forge on. Sometimes the wisest step is just to stop—to pause, listen in, not just to doubts but perhaps to something more resilient, constructive, slower, but stronger. Wiser. Something you may not have thought of—or experienced—yet. Are our actions, in their performance and their consequences qualitatively different if we make space for that pause, trust it with our full weight for as long as it takes? Build it into our way of being in the world?

This is a radical suggestion in a world that keeps going faster and faster, a click here, a click there, a world that measures value by the passing likes of others rather than that still inner voice. What happens when we invite others into that stillness, that pause? With the pandemic, we are in a time, as a world, of involuntary pause—our life's momentum slammed to a stop, redirected. Are there hidden gifts in that experience, ones that have helped you recalibrate, find new and richer ways of being with yourself and with the world?

We invite short stories, poetry, memoir, and creative non-fiction to help us explore this theme.

Deadline: April 15, 2022

Guidelines here.

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