Saturday, July 17, 2021

Call for Long-form Submissions: Sequestrum

Themed Submissions: Long-form

Narratives sometimes run long. Like, ten-or-twenty-thousand-words, long. And for the next two months, that’s just fine by us. In a world of shortening attention spans, we want to sit down and take our time with a perfect story or poem, regardless of length. We want your most ambitious long-form writing in its most imaginative form. Long short stories. Epic poetry. Deep-dive essays. Novelettes. Novellas. If other publishers think it’s too long, we want to read it. As always, wow us. Thrill us. Never bore us. We’re eager to read your best.

Deadline 8/15/21.

When ready to submit, please use our online submission system.

What We Publish:

Fiction: Submissions should generally not exceed forty thousand* (40,000) words.

Creative Nonfiction: Submissions should generally not exceed forty thousand* (40,000) words. All genres of nonfiction (articles, reviews, memoirs, personal essay, cross-genre, etc.) are acceptable, though we rarely publish scholarly essays or literary criticism.

Poetry: Maximum three (3) poems per submission.

*Length guidelines are just that: guidelines. More than ever, if your work is outstanding, we’ll make room for it.

Submit your work here.

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