Saturday, January 23, 2021

Fiction Workshop for Immigrant Writers: Immigrant Writers' Fiction Workshop

Immigrant Writers’ Fiction Workshop is a free, juried workshop led by Zell Postgraduate Fellows in Creative Writing.

We’ll leverage our collective experience of workshopping at University of Michigan MFA program and our experience teaching creative writing to undergraduates to create an inclusive environment where you’ll feel supported to develop your writing skills. We’ll provide guidance on workshop and writing feedback letters, create opportunities for you to build community, and answer any of your questions.

The idea to do this conference was just that — only an idea, until a friend and a colleague got excited to do it with me. Writing is solitary work, but we need our writing friends to keep us going. Join us, and make your writing friends here too.


Four Wednesdays, April 7-28th, 2021, 6.30-9pm EST (Zoom)
Reading and Q/A with Peter Ho Davies
April 7, 6:30 pm (Zoom)

Questions of Audience: Discussion Panel with Nawaaz Ahmed and Roohi Choudhry
TBD (Zoom)
January 9-March 1, 2021 or until full

Admissions decisions are made on a rolling basis, and we’ll make every effort to notify you within four weeks of application.

To apply, fill out a Google form and attach your writing sample (up to 5,000 words). The writing sample should be one short story or an excerpt from a longer work.

Based on your application, you will be assigned one of the following instructors: Nishanth Injam, Karolina Letunova.

Each class is capped at 10 participants. There is no application fee. 
For more information and to apply, go here.

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