Sunday, November 30, 2014

Call for Flash Fiction: "Baby Shoes" Anthology

Thank you for wanting to be a part of the “Baby Shoes” anthology. We’re excited about this and hope you will be too.

Top – Level Concept

There aren’t enough flash fiction anthologies in the world, and those that are tend to focus on a specific genre. We want a little bit of everything, from a little bit of everybody.

For Sale: Baby Shoes. Never Used. Will feature 100 pieces of flash fiction from 100 different authors. All genres are open. No holds barred in terms of content or language (within reason – you’ll get rejected for child porn or needless hate speech, for example).

We’re funding the project via Kickstarter to make sure we can hire top editors, get awesome cover art and pay all of our contributors.

What we want from you

#1: A piece of awesome fiction less than 1,000 words long. We want it by the 5th of December sent as a .doc file you’ve already spellchecked and gone over for typos.

#2: Your help making the Kickstarter campaign go viral. You don’t have to contribute, but if each contributor gets two friends to back the book we’ll be well over our goals.

#3: Your help promoting the anthology once it’s released. You’ll probably do this anyway since you’ll be jazzed about being in print, but we’ll help you do it well.

What you get from us:

#1: You get paid up front, assuming the Kickstarter succeeds.
Authors already professionally published get to choose between (a) $10 and an electronic contributor’s copy and (b) $5 and a print contributor’s copy.
Authors for whom this will be the first professional publication choose between (a) $5 and an electronic contributor’s copy and (b) a print contributor’s copy.

You’ll see some mention of other arrangements for our “anchor” authors – rock stars like Joe R. Lansdale, Larry Brooks and Linda Needham who have graciously agreed to be involved. Don’t let that hurt your feelings. You and I aren’t at that level…yet.

#2: You receive some royalties.
Half of the profits from the anthology go to the publisher. Half of the remainder goes to the anchor authors. The remaining quarter gets split between the other contributors.
Fair warning: There are 100 authors involved and we don’t expect to sell millions of copies. Your cut of the profits will not amount to a whole lot more than bragging rights and a few bucks in your PayPal account. Don’t buy a new car on credit just because you got into the anthology, okay?

That’s the basics. We plan to launch the Kickstarter in early November and receive the submissions in late November/early December. If all goes well, we’ll print in time for Christmas.

If you’re as excited as we are about this, just shoot me a line at:

brickcommajasonATgmailDOTcom (Change AT to @ and DOT to . )

and we’ll get you started.

Jason Brick, editor

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