Monday, December 5, 2011

Call for anthology submissions: Submitted: Women Finding and Leaving Extreme Religion

The anthology, Submitted: Women Finding and Leaving Extreme Religion (to be published by Seal Press in Spring, 2013), will chronicle the lives of women from a variety of restrictive religious backgrounds who chose a religious path only to eventually reject it or alter it in whole or in part.

We are seeking contributions from women of all faiths, as well as all ages and backgrounds. The book explores, through story, the questions of how and why women choose to get involved in rigid religion, what keeps them invested, and then how and why they leave (and what they miss---or don't---once they're gone).
Each story included should explore one of the following:
--the getting IN
--the staying IN
--the getting OUT
Themes might include food, modesty, religious meetings, holidays, work, children, clothing, secrets, converting others, prayer, or marriage/sex.

The book will be divided into three parts: Conversion, Life Inside, and Leaving.

Submissions should be 2500-3000 words in length.

For more information and to submit your work go to our website.

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