Sunday, July 28, 2024

Call for Submissions: Typehouse

Recent cover image or website screenshot for Typehouse

We are seeking submissions that grab us and convey a unique perspective and honest insight into our world. We are especially interested in underrepresented voices of all kinds, and we want to see submissions from writers and artists of all races, sexualities, nationalities, religions, and genders, as well as disabled and neurodivergent creators. 

Genre fiction submissions are welcome, particularly speculative fiction.

General Submissions are $3.00, with no-fee submission periods during certain weeks in the year, and are closed in December. (Note: Check our schedule online.)

Feedback submissions are on hiatus for a while, we will announce when they reopen.

Visual Art submissions remain open all year-round.

We will not read work that contains racist, sexist, misogynistic, queer/homophobic, transphobic, or ableist language or content, and fees will not be refunded.

General Guidelines:

  • All written submissions should be saved in.docx or .doc format with contact information and the work’s title and word count in the document.
  • We are all writers and artists, so simultaneous submissions are encouraged, but please let us know immediately if it has been accepted elsewhere.
  • Previously published work will not be considered, and this includes work published on social media and personal websites. If it is available publicly online it has been published. You will be asked to certify this on your submission. Work found to have been previously published will be declined and no fees will be refunded.
  • Please submit to only one written category, and please wait two months from your response to send us more written work.
  • Visual arts submissions may be made along with written submissions, with a one-month waiting period for more visual art after a response is received.
  • We do not accept work that has been created in any way with AI, and you will be required to certify as such on the submission form. Work found to have used AI will be declined and no fees will be refunded.

Prose Submissions: Regular Submissions: There is no strict word count, although we most frequently publish fiction and nonfiction between 500-5,000 words. For regular submissions we accept up to three prose submissions per author as long as the total number of words is less than 7,500. All genres and subjects are welcomed and encouraged.

Poetry Submissions: Regular Submissions: Up to six poems are accepted per submission, and all forms are encouraged.

Visual Arts Submissions: We like to see artwork and photography in all media and of all subjects. Up to six visual arts submissions are accepted at once. You may also submit a writeup of your work.

Please pay attention to this! Previously published work will not be considered, and this includes work published on social media and personal websites. If it is available publicly online it has been published. We receive a LOT of previously published artwork, and you will be asked to certify it has not been published on your submission. Work found to have been previously published will be declined and no fees will be refunded.

We do not accept work that has been created with AI, and you are required to certify that on the submission form. Work found to have used AI will be declined and no fees will be refunded.

The Nitty-Gritty If we have accepted your work, please wait until the next submission period to submit again.

We are currently paying $5 per contributor, as we work to return to consistent publication.
Typehouse takes first publication rights exclusively for six months, with non-exclusive archival rights thereafter. All other rights revert to the author upon publication.

If a piece is reprinted please be sure to acknowledge Typehouse as its first publication.

Etc. Typehouse is published in digital form in March, June, September, and December.

Submit your work here.

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