Sunday, July 7, 2024

Call for Submissions: Literary Liberation

Literary Liberation is open to submissions! I do not want to overcomplicate the process, so with that in mind and depending on the initial response, submissions will close September 22, 2024.

I’m interested in reading:

essays on craft

essays on building your writer’s toolkit

essays on the writing life

interview (single or series) on where you write

detailed writing exercises

roundups of writing opportunities

deep dives into a book or an author’s body of work with a liberatory, global majority centered, activists lens


Only 1 submission per submission period permitted.

All work should be original or you have reverted rights for reprint. Reprints are more than welcome!

Submissions must be complete, in English, and under 3,000 words to be considered.

Include your full name on the first page of your document. Also include your brief bio (100 words) in third person.

Simultaneous Submissions: We accept simultaneous submissions. Please contact us as soon as possible if your piece is accepted elsewhere.

Compensation: We are unable to offer compensation at this time; however, we are committed to doing so in the future.

Exclusivity: We request exclusive first publication rights for accepted pieces for a period of two months (60 days). After this period, all rights revert back to the author, to reuse and republish as you wish.

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