Sunday, July 7, 2024

Call for Submissions: After Happy Hour: A Journal of Literature and Art

Recent cover image or website screenshot for After Happy Hour: A Journal of Literature and Art

To limit editor and reader bias, we read all submissions as anonymously as possible. Please remove your name and contact information from the document itself (if you're an artist and your signature is part of the work). We're aware this gets a bit squibbly with CNF since there are often inherent aspects of the author's identity in a strong personal essay. If there's identifying information within the work you don't need to alter it (like if your name is used in dialogue, for example), but please still remove your name from the header and first page.

Contributors are paid a $10 honorarium on publication ($25 for the cover artist).

We are not opposed to sex, violence, or profanity when they are necessary to the story—we’re fans of all three, in fact. Having said that, we will not accept any work that contains hateful or discriminatory content, including racism, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia. Gratuitous sex and violence will probably get you rejected, too.

Use standard manuscript format (12-point Serif font, standard margins and spacing). It’s not like we’ll reject you for a bad font (probably) but it makes it easier to read, and that makes us happy. The exception is poetry or experimental prose that uses non-standard formatting for stylistic reasons. Traditional prose writers have no excuse.

We accept submissions only through Submittable. Submissions sent to our e-mail will be deleted unread.

We accept and encourage simultaneous submissions. All we ask is that you be a good literary citizen and withdraw your submission through Submittable if it’s accepted elsewhere (if you’re withdrawing part of a submission, you can email us at:

AfterHappyHour[at]gmail[dot]com) (Change [at] to @ and [dot] to . )

It is also expected that you’ll withdraw your submission from consideration by other journals if After Happy Hour accepts it.

We will consider previously published work as long as the author retains the full rights. However, we are unlikely to reprint a piece that's currently readable in an online journal. We're most interested in reprinting pieces originally published in now-defunct markets or print journals with a limited circulation--in other words, pieces that not many readers have had a chance to enjoy yet.

Please send only one submission per category at a time. We’ll happily consider submissions in multiple categories from the same author (e.g. a poem and a story).

If you work in mixed genres (hybrid poetry/fiction, illustrated stories, etc.) submit the work in the category that seems to fit the best, and we'll figure it out.

We do not accept translations or scholarly essays.

Our response time is generally less than 6 weeks, but we are humans (mostly) and have been known to fall behind. If you haven’t heard from us in 3 months or more, you can send an e-mail and give us a nudge. You can also check on the status of your submission at any time by logging into your Submittable account.

Accepted submissions may be edited for grammar. All changes are sent to the author for approval before publication.

We acquire First Rights for all unpublished works and One-Time Rights for reprints, as well as non-exclusive electronic archive rights. The author or artist retains the copyright and full rights to the work before, during, and after publication, and can republish the work however they see fit (though we would appreciate an acknowledgment that we published it!). Content can be removed from the website on request, but cannot be removed from the issue in which it was published. 

Submit your work here.

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