Sunday, July 7, 2024

Call for Submissions: Flunk Magazine

Recent cover image or website screenshot for Flunk Magazine

Flunk Magazine


We are looking for original short stories and poetry of no more than 5000 words, with a special interest in Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Gothic/Horror Genres. See here for more juicy information for Short Story Submissions. 

Please include a brief biographical note (50 -100 words) to be published alongside your work.


We are looking for original artwork or digital media design, including photography, digital art & illustrations, or short video projects.

Please include a brief biographical note AND an artist's statement about your piece (50-100 words each) to be published alongside your work.


Send your submissions to: 

Format in DocX for writing submission with 12 point text and double spacing

Please ensure you only submit your best and final work, free of typos or blemishes 

We pay: $50 AUD for published Short Stories and Visual Art, and $30 AUD for Poetry Suites

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