Sunday, July 7, 2024

Call for Submissions on Theme of "Access": Brink

Brink is an in-print literary journal dedicated to publishing hybrid, cross-genre work of emerging and established creatives who often reside outside traditional artistic disciplines. By providing space primed to instigate new ideas, Brink fosters dialogue and collaborative community across disciplines and cultural divides.​

July 1 - 31 we will open for submissions engaging the theme of Access.

Through Submittable, we accept a variety of creative work from Nonfiction to Fiction, from Poetry to Translation. But our hearts beat strongest for hybrid work.

We are interested in work that presses boundaries by using more than one medium to tell a story; work that looks and feels different on the page. Additionally, we look for submissions that engage the issue's theme and the notion of being on the brink.

Please submit only unpublished pieces and notify us if your simultaneous submission is accepted elsewhere. Payment for each contributor is one copy of the issue in which their work appears as well as

$25 || Poem (per poem)

$50 || Work (less than 1500 words)

$50 || Art (1-3 Images)

$100 || Art (4+ Images)

$100 || Work (more than 1501 words)

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