Sunday, July 28, 2024

Call for Submissions on Theme of "Live & Learn": The Writers' Journal

The Writers’ Journal Announces Vol. 1: Live & Learn

We are excited to begin accepting submissions to our first journal collection entitled Live and Learn. Learning is a lifelong endeavor, where each passing year brings us new lessons and insights in which we continually evolve and grow. How often have you said, “If I only knew then what I know now.”

We welcome that story, that learning experience, and we encourage new and experienced writers to share their work.

Theme: Writers are welcome to submit memoir, fiction, creative nonfiction, and prose poems in which someone has learned a lesson: i.e., a story about why you should have swiped left on that dating website, swallowed the words better left unspoken, or read the Crazy Glue instructions more carefully. Whatever your experience, we welcome your work. Be creative, think beyond the obvious, and surprise us. Whether your story leans towards the whimsical, practical, or fanciful, we look forward to reading your submissions. However, no gratuitous sex, violence, or hateful rhetoric is acceptable, and no AI-generated stories or poems, please.

All work must be: 

  • Related to the theme: Live & Learn
  • Previously unpublished online or in print
  • 150 to 1,000 words written in English
  • 12-point New Times Roman font, double-spaced with only one space between sentences, and attached to an email in Word doc format
  • Submitted by authors 18 years of age or older
  • Original – No AI-generated stories

Please attach your story to your cover letter, add your email address, and 3rd person bio of no more than 50 words.

The subject line of your email must include the author’s name, genre, and title of the piece (i.e., John Doe, Memoir, “My Lesson”).

The Writers’ Journal is free to submit to and will be free to read online. Hard copies will be available for purchase. If your submission is accepted, we will require your written authorization prior to publication in our journal.

Submit your work and any questions to:

by September 1, 2024.

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