Saturday, March 22, 2025

Call for Submissions to MicroChapbooks: Inch

Recent cover image or website screenshot for Inch

Inch celebrates concision, brevity, and the remarkable work such constraints can inspire. When choosing to submit, writers are asked to consider the size and shape of Inch as it imposes constraints not only the length of pieces, but also the actual length of individual lines (for poets).

Up to 75% of the pieces in your collection may be previously published, but we do require that at least 25% of the pieces be unpublished at the time of acceptance.

Deadline: April 15, 2025

Include a title page with your contact information, a table of contents, an acknowledgements page (if needed), and an “about the author” page, none of which will count toward your 10-16 pages of creative work.

Each year, we choose one manuscript from each of our three genres:

Fiction: Flash fiction. Microfiction. Sudden fiction. Call it what you will; Inch loves to see cohesive groupings of short-short fiction. Submit your collection of a minimum of three stories in double-spaced format, 10-16 double-spaced pages in length.

Nonfiction: Our theory is, if life is too short, as most agree it is, you shouldn’t need our full sixteen pages for a single essay. Submit your collection of a minimum of three essays in double-spaced format, 10-16 double-spaced pages in length.

Poetry: We’ve always loved the brevity of poetry. Though we no longer have a line limit, we’re still looking for poems that celebrate compression. Submit your collection with each single-spaced poem beginning on a new page, 10-16 single-spaced pages in length.

To lift up our local literary community, we publish a fourth collection by a North Carolina writer each year:

In the genre tab of our submissions portal, select “Inch submission: NC author microchap (all genres)”

Include the genre of your submission in the title field (i.e. “nonfiction: Solving for X”).

In the comments feature, briefly explain your connection to North Carolina.

You do not need to re-submit your work in one of the three genres above.

We accept electronic submissions through our online submissions manager. (Please note: this is a new submissions manager, established in 2025.) Submit your work online, and you will be able to log in and check the status of your submission at any time. Because we are an all-volunteer operation, reading times for submissions vary based on the number of manuscripts each volunteer can carefully read while still attending to their day-to-day responsibilities. A minimum of 90 days will pass before we’ve assembled a long list of potential manuscripts to consider. Typically, final results are announced after August 1st.

Simultaneous submissions are just fine, but of course, you gotta promise to withdraw your manuscript if it’s accepted elsewhere.

Call for Submissions from Trans Writers: Trans Survivors: Healing in Action

It’s more important than ever to highlight trans and nonbinary art, to uplift trans joy, and to share stories of healing and connection. Help us share hope through art and writing! We invite you to contribute to a new Trans Survivors Zine titled “Trans Survivors: Healing in Action.”

We welcome content that focuses on trans voices, survivorship and healing from harm/trauma/violence, creative expressions of all kinds. We welcome your full range of emotions and expressions. We encourage content focused on race and anti-racism; bodies and disabilities; class, housing, survival realities; and content that focuses or encompasses our complex, intersectional lives.

We welcome a variety of art forms, including visual art, poetry, short fiction, and nonfiction (fiction/nonfiction under 1000 words).

You may submit multiple poems or fiction/nonfiction under 1000 words, but please include them in the same document (Word document or PDF preferred).

We welcome your expressions of rage and grief, humor and silliness, beauty and curiosity. We reserve the right to refuse submissions that include racism, anti-trans attitudes, or other oppressive language. We are accepting original art/writing (not generated by AI).

Submissions will be open until April 15th, 2025.

Once the zine is released in early May, it will be available digitally on our website for anyone to download or print. We will be spotlighting individual pieces and contributors on social media throughout May 2025 for Mental Health Awareness Month.

We hope this zine will be a valuable resource for solidarity and healing for trans community members, and highlight the amazing work of trans and nonbinary survivors.

Contributors will receive $25 if their art or writing is accepted. We aim to include as many voices and experiences as possible.

FORGE requests non-exclusive rights to publish your work in the Trans Survivors zine and promote it on our social media. Your work still belongs to you. If you have any questions about submissions, please reach out to:

Submit your work here.

Call for Submissions: The Tiger Moth Review

The Tiger Moth Review Issue 13 magazine cover image


Thank you for your interest in submitting to The Tiger Moth Review. We publish twice a year in January and July.

Send us your work during our reading periods. Anything sent outside of our reading window will not be considered:

July issue: Submit between February and April.

January issue: Submit between August and October.

We are looking for work that emphasises the connections between “human activity and the environment that produces it”, work that displays an “awareness of ecology and concerns over environmental disaster” (“Ecopoetics”, Poetry Foundation). We also want work that is hopeful, in spite of the ecological horrors that exist today. Send us work that is eco-conscious and critical, work that celebrates the beauty/ bounty of nature, work that is cognisant, curious and contemplative of the relationships between humanity, modernity, cultures and the environments in which we live in or imagine ourselves to inhabit.

Submission Guidelines

Submit all work to:

thetigermothreview [at] gmail [dot] com (Change [at] to @ and [dot] to . )

Title your email subject as follows: Full name_Genre_Title of work. Anything labelled otherwise will not be read.

Depending on your genre, please limit each submission to:

Up to 3 unpublished poems (a non-English work & its English translation count as one poem submission)

1 unpublished short fiction piece (up to 5,000 words) or

3-5 unpublished photographs/ art in web format (72 ppi) + a short write-up contextualising the work [high res formats should be available on request]

All work submitted should be accompanied by a short author bio between 50 and 100 words, and a recent author photo in jpg.

Any work submitted outside of the reading period will unfortunately not be read.

Do not re-submit until you hear from us. We aim to respond within 8 weeks, usually sooner.

Please wait a period of at least twelve months (one issue) to submit again if your work is rejected by us. Repeat submissions that do not adhere to this guideline will no longer be read.

While we accept simultaneous submissions, do indicate in your email that this is a simultaneous submission, and write in to us immediately to withdraw your work once it has been accepted elsewhere.

Works submitted should engage with the themes of nature, culture, the environment and/ or ecology.

While the journal was founded to encourage the publication of and provide a platform for eco-conscious work from Singapore and the region, we will respond to the reality of the submissions we receive. We are proud to say that our contributors hail from all over the world, contributing to the diversity of voices about our earth.

The Tiger Moth Review is committed to create a space for minority, marginalised, underrepresented voices in society.

Publication Rights

The Tiger Moth Review publishes only unpublished work, unless we ourselves request for them.

By submitting your work, you affirm that you are the sole author and maintain all rights for your work.

By submitting your work, you authorise The Tiger Moth Review to publish your work in both its e-journal and online platforms.

For republishing, please first acknowledge The Tiger Moth Review.

Reading Fee and Payment

We currently do not charge a reading fee, and our plan is to keep it this way as we believe in making art and literature submissions accessible to all. Issues will also be free for all to download and read in the spirit of community and accessibility.

At present, we are unable to pay for published work as this is a self-funded project. That said, we are committed to continue exploring ways in which contributors may receive an honorarium in future.

Friday, March 21, 2025

Call for Submissions: Kinpaurak

We accept all genres—fiction, nonfiction, poetry, philosophical monologues, etc. However, nothing over 2,000 words.

  • Fiction/Nonfiction: Up to 2000 words (flash, short stories, experimental prose welcome).
  • Poetry: Up to one quadrillion poems per submission (not exceeding 2000 words). Any form or style.
  • Essays: Up to 2000 words.
  • Hybrid Work: No rules, I guess. If it doesn’t fit anywhere else, send it here.
  • Visual Art: We accept a range of 2D and 3D artworks. PNG, JPG, or TIFF. Dimensions wise, preferably 8.5×11 inches (portrait) or 11×8.5 inches (landscape).
  • Auditory Art: Noise, ambient, and electronic manipulations are most wanted. WAV or MP3 (320 kbps preferred). Up to 10 minutes (shorter pieces encouraged). Accompany a description, 150–300 words, explaining the concept, technique, and relevance to Kinpaurak’s themes. Please refer to our FAQ for more information.
We don’t particularly care about formatting. Times New Roman? Sure. Comic Sans? Bold choice, but go for it.

To submit, fill out the form and upload your work as a PDF or DOCX. If you send us a .txt file or carve your piece into stone tablets, we might admire the commitment, but we probably won’t publish it.

We don’t charge submission fees because we’re not monsters, and and we do pay—$5 per accepted piece. We know it’s a small amount, but as our magazine grows, we hope to offer more.

Check out our FAQ page for more about how we publish. Send all questions to

If accepted, we will send you an agreement granting us the right to publish your submitted work on this site and in a downloadable PDF version of the issue. You may request removal of your work at any time for any reason. Unless such a request is made, your work will remain available on the website and in the PDF for as long as this journal continues to exist.

Our right to publish your work is non-exclusive, meaning you are free to publish it elsewhere while it appears in our journal. We claim no additional rights to your work beyond publication.
Submit your work here.

Call for Submissions on Theme of "Buyer's Remorse": San Fidele Press


AMERICAN WRITERS REVIEW: CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS AND CONTEST ENTRIES FOR 2025 THEMED ISSUE: "Buyers' Remorse It seemed like such a good idea.... But now?"

For our new issue, we are seeking written work and imagery that springs from the moment when the best-laid schemes have turned to dust. The crash can be obvious, subtle, even not yet realized. The piece's point of view could be disappointed or triumphant or oblivious. The moment of remorse could be immediate, in the future, or long in the past. Please read the submission guidelines carefully before submitting.

We welcome submissions of previously unpublished poems, short stories, creative non-fiction, art, short plays/monologues and photography, and seek contributions from anywhere in the world. Our recent issues have featured contributions from England, Scotland, Australia, China, Israel, the Philippines, as well as the United States. If your piece has appeared in an online or print journal, it is not "unpublished."

Submissions can be sent to us through our Online Submission Manager. We will not accept emailed or snail mailed submissions. We particularly welcome submissions that include both written pieces and images that spring from a shared experience or inspiration. Follow the instructions on the submission page carefully.

Regular submissions will be accepted from March 1, 2015 to September 1, 2025.  

We charge a small reading fee of $5 to defray our costs. 

Payment is in contributors' copies.

The Contest

  • Entries must be in English, (prose must be double-spaced) in Word or RTF format. Art and photography must be in JPEG format, 200-300 dpi, suitable for black and white reproduction.
  • The contest is open all writers, of any experience level. Written entries must be in English, (prose must be double-spaced) in Word or RTF format, Art and photography must be in JPEG format, 200-300 dpi, suitable for black and white reproduction. While we expect to produce an e-book format in color, our print journal is black and white only.
  • Contest submissions will be accepted from March 1, 2025 to August 1, 2025 There is a single cash prize of $250, based on the judges' scores, plus publication of the winner and finalists. There is a $15 fee to defray our costs. 
  • For contest entries only: Please do not include identifying information on your contest submissions, except in the section of the submission manager marked “cover letter.” If we see identifying information anywhere else, we will disqualify your submission and not refund your fee. 
  •  For both contest and regular submissions, we are looking for previously unpublished work, well-written with a human sensibility. Excerpts are acceptable, but they must work as stand-alone pieces. We reserve the right to edit for punctuation, sense, and length. Few things are complete turn-offs, but porn, excessive gore, and gratuitous violence are a few. Work aimed at a children's audience is likewise not a good fit for us. 
  •  We also welcome submissions that include both written work and images. If an image evokes a written response, we want to see it. If a written work cries out for an image, feel free to send one along. Needless to say (but we will say it), if you submit written pieces and images, you must be the owner of both. We reserve the right to accept/reject/separate both pieces. All authors grant first rights. Again, submissions must be in English, double-spaced, in Word or RTF format.
  • Simultaneous submissions: Of course, you do it. Everyone does it. Just let us know as soon as you can if you have been accepted elsewhere. If you want to enter a piece in the contest and as a regular submission, you are, of course, free to do so. 

Any questions, please email us at: 


  • Submit no more than two pieces at a time. American Writers Review seeks distinctive, character-driven stories. 
  • Aim for 2500 words or fewer, although we will not necessarily reject pieces that are slightly over that length. If you are submitting a written work with an image, that will be considered two pieces. While we are not dogmatic about genre, we do not want porn, children’s fiction, or things that will make us retch without a really good reason. 
  • Put “Fiction” and the title of your piece in the “Title” field of the entry form. 


  • Submit no more than two poems at a time. We are seeking pieces that make their point in a tight, concise fashion. While we do not have a strict word limit for poetry, we do not encourage you to submit epics (think “The Illiad”) or multi part structures (“Spoon River Anthology” is many poems, not one). 
  • Also, please note that we publish in 6"x9" format. If your poems do not fit that format, consider how they can be accommodated. 
  • If you are submitting a written work with an image, that will be considered two pieces. 
  • Put “Poetry” and the title of your piece in the “Title” field of the entry form 


  • Submit no more than two works at a time. American Writers Review seeks distinctive, concise, tight pieces. 
  • Aim for 2500 words or fewer, although we will not necessarily reject pieces that are slightly over that length. 
  •  If you are submitting a written work with an image, that will be considered two pieces. 
  • Put “NonFiction” and the title of your piece in the “Title” field of the entry form 


This is a new area for us. Please submit only one work, concise and short. Aim for 5 minutes for monologues, 7-9 minutes for dramatic works, although we will not necessarily reject pieces that are slightly over those lengths. 


You are welcome to submit color and black and white photographs and digital copies of drawings and paintings. Art and photography must be in JPEG format, 200-300 dpi, suitable for black and white reproduction, if choose that format.

Put “Photography” or “Art” and the title of your piece in the “Title” field of the entry form. You must be the creator/owner of any work submitted. By this, we mean, we are uninterested in AI created, plagiarized, or otherwise "not your work." If we discover that it is not your work, we will reject it. We are aiming for publication in winter 2025, so you will find out fairly quickly if your work has been accepted.

Call for Submissions: Pink Apple Press

Pink Apple Press


Whether we find seeds to a new pink apple tree or half of a worm, we want to be surprised after the first bite. We want something so delicious we can't resist a second bite.

Make us salivate.

Poetry Submissions

Send up to five poems to: 

We ask that each poem is attached in a separate Word Document.

Please include a brief cover letter in the body of your email. Each file name should appear in the following format: lastname_title.docx

Flash Fiction Submissions

Send up to 2,000 words to: 

in an attached Word Document. Please include a brief cover letter in the body of your email. Each file name should appear in the following format: lastname_title.docx

Microfiction Submissions

Each month we will choose one piece of microfiction to feature on our website.​

Send up to 300 words to: 

in an attached Word Document. Please specify that you are submitting a Monthly Micro in the subject line and include a brief cover letter in the body of your email. Each file name should appear in the following format: lastname_title.docx

Writing Grant: The Whiting Creative Nonfiction Grant

Creative Nonfiction Grant

Intensely researched nonfiction books, written with an artful sensitivity to depth and nuance, have always been important in shaping the way we understand the world; today they are essential.

In recent decades many extraordinary writers have contributed crucial works extending the form. Since this grant was established in 2016, the Foundation is proud to have supported dozens of books that have joined their ranks: Sarah M. Broom's The Yellow House, George Packer's Our Man, Kristen Radtke's Seek You, Andrea Elliot's Invisible Child, Meghan O'Rourke's The Invisible Kingdom, Chloé Cooper Jones's Easy Beauty, Rachel Aviv's Strangers to Ourselves, Ilyon Woo's Master Slave Husband Wife, and Patricia Evangelista's Some People Need Killing, to name just a few examples.

Such projects require a wealth of time and resources. The path to a groundbreaking book is long and intensive, and the research process is unpredictable—even a generous advance from a supportive publisher may run out just as a writer unearths an essential piece of the story they are trying to tell, something transformative that leads to new questions.

Recognizing this challenge to the creation of such exemplary works of literature, the Whiting Creative Nonfiction Grant’s chief objective is to foster original, ambitious projects brought to the highest possible standard.

Knowing that writers of color often face additional structural hurdles to securing institutional resources to support such projects, we particularly encourage applications from them.

The application window for the 2025 Creative Nonfiction Grant is open. Applications are due by April 23, 2025.

 Click here to view the online application form. Application guidelines are below.

The 2025 Whiting Creative Nonfiction Grant of $40,000 will be awarded to as many as ten writers in the process of completing a book-length work of deeply researched and imaginatively composed nonfiction for a general adult readership. It is intended for multiyear book projects requiring large amounts of deep and focused research, thinking, and writing at a crucial point mid-process, after significant work has been accomplished but when an extra infusion of support can make a difference in the ultimate shape and quality of the work.

Whiting welcomes applications for works of history, cultural or political reportage, biography, memoir, science, philosophy, criticism, graphic nonfiction, and personal essays, among other categories. Again, the work should be intended for a general, not academic, adult reader. Self-help titles, historical fiction, textbooks, books primarily for a scholarly audience, and books for young readers are not eligible. Examples of the wide range of previous grantees can be found here.

Projects must be under contract with a publisher in Canada, the UK, or the US by April 23 to be eligible. Contracts with self-publishing companies are not eligible.

Writers must submit the materials listed below via the online application form by 11:59pm ET on Wednesday, April 23. The application form includes detailed instructions for each requested item.

  • The original proposal that led to the contract with your publisher
  • Up to 25,000 words from your draft. Please submit full-length draft chapters, rather than short excerpts from across your book, to the extent the word count allows
  • A statement of work yet to be completed
  • A plan for use of funds
  • A signed and dated contract (please note that to be eligible, books must be under contract with a Canadian, UK, or US publisher – unfortunately, we can make no exceptions to this requirement)
  • A current resume
  • A list of grants, fellowships, or other funding received for the book
  • A letter of support from your publisher or editor

Each project under submission will have two first-round readers who will evaluate for substance and execution (while understanding that they are reading a work in progress). Finalists will be considered by a separate panel of judges who will evaluate for need in addition to substance and execution. Readers and judges will consist of experts in the field from Canada, the UK, and the US, and they will serve anonymously to shield them from any external pressures. The grantees will be announced in December.

The Foundation hosted two online information sessions to answer questions and offer guidance on applying for the grant. You can watch a recording of an info session here.

If you have any questions about the eligibility of your project or the application process, please contact us at: