Saturday, August 31, 2024

Call for Submissions on the American South: Salvation South

Recent cover image or website screenshot for Salvation South

Salvation South accepts stories, in all mediums, that reckon with the history and celebrate the culture of the American South. We invite journalists, essayists, poets, fiction writers, photographers, and filmmakers to tell their stories on our platform. Sending simultaneous separate submissions is fine, but please do not submit pieces that have been published elsewhere.

For poets, we ask that you submit at least three and no more than five poems in every submission.

We do our best to respond to all submissions within three months. Your patience is appreciated. Our crew is small. You will hear back from our editor-in-chief, Chuck Reece, or our poetry editor, Andy Fogle.

In each of our submissions calls, you will see a "Tip Jar" option. While we do not charge a submission fee, we do appreciate tips, because the income helps us keep Salvation South alive.

Quick Links to Open Calls: 

Video/film: short docs
Video/film: short narratives

More information and submission links here.

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