Sunday, August 18, 2024

Call for Submissions: Ecotone

Ecotone, the literary magazine dedicated to reimagining place, welcomes work from a wide range of voices. We are particularly interested in place-based work by people and from perspectives historically underrepresented in literary publishing and in place-based contexts: writers and artists who are Black, Indigenous, people of color, people with disabilities, people who are gender-nonconforming and LGBTQIA+, women, people with low access to wealth, people from rural places, and others. We welcome the work of emerging writers of all ages and walks of life. Please review our complete guidelines before submitting. We strongly encourage writers to read work we’ve published before sending their own. A selection of writing and art from recent issues is featured on our website, where you can also order a copy of the magazine or subscribe.

How to Submit

We read submissions via Submittable and via post (for which see below). Each year, when possible, we offer two reading periods, generally beginning in January and in August. In addition, we offer a Valentine’s Day reading period, in which we invite submissions of work we love and would like to see more of. We occasionally must adjust submissions windows for administrative reasons; if we do so, the new dates will be posted in this space. (You can also follow us on Submittable to ensure you always have up-to-date deadlines.) In particular, please note that, depending upon interest, we may need to close before the end of our general window in order to give the work we receive the attention it deserves.

Fall 2024 (Anticipated; subject to change. Updates will be posted here.)

August 29–31: Fee-free submissions, poetry, fiction, and nonfiction. During this window, we especially welcome work from writers historically underrepresented in literary publishing.
September 1–5: General window, poetry, fiction, and nonfiction ($3 fee via Submittable, no fee via post).
September 1–30: Current subscribers may submit poetry, fiction, or nonfiction (no fee).

If you send work during our general window, on completion of your submission, we’ll send you a discount for the amount of the fee, $3 off a year’s subscription (or renewal) to the magazine. Or you may subscribe or renew to submit with no fee. Current Ecotone subscribers, please choose the appropriate subscriber category in Submittable. Subscriptions will be verified, so be sure to enter your order number.

What We’re Looking For

We seek work that reimagines place. In addition to a wide range of place-engaged work, we continue to seek work in all genres that engages with the climate crisis.

Submissions are considered for all upcoming issues, themed and unthemed. For more on our themed issues, visit our Upcoming Issues page. Our next theme, for the fall/winter 2025 issue, is Moon.


We appreciate a wide range of essays, and are especially interested in nonfiction that engages deeply, but not overly seriously, with the sciences—ecology, natural history, and other fields, in both Western and non-Western contexts.

We like to see fiction that is deeply rooted in place, and/or that engages similarly with ecology, natural history, climate crisis, et al.

A prose submission consists of one prose piece (fiction or nonfiction) of no more than thirty double-spaced pages (approx. 10,000 words).

· Most work we run is shorter than this upper limit.

· We are also interested in shorter prose works (minimum 2,000 words, please).


We are especially interested in poetry that engages with the social and natural sciences and/or considers place, ecology, identity, and climate crisis, as well as poetry that uses form, meter, and/or other poetic constraints in innovative and expansive ways. Work in the French repeating forms (rondeaux, ballades, rondelets, and the like) as well as in newer forms (golden shovels, fibs, etc.) is especially encouraged, as is work that employs meters other than iambic.

A poetry submission consists of three (minimum) to five (maximum) poems.

Accepted Work

We are dedicated to supporting our contributors with a thoughtful editorial process.

We use Microsoft Word to send edits. If Word is not a good option for you, we can also work in OpenOffice or Pages.

Contributors receive an honorarium upon publication, with a $100 minimum for poetry and a $200 minimum for prose; two copies of the issue in which their work appears; and a one-year subscription beginning with the subsequent issue. 

Thanks for thinking of Ecotone! We look forward to reading your work.

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