Sunday, August 11, 2024

Call for Submissions: Nashville Review

Nashville Review seeks to publish the best work we can get our hands on, period. We hope to provide a venue for both distinguished and emerging artists. Most importantly, thank you for giving us a chance to read your work.
Reading Periods

We consider submissions in Fiction, Poetry, Nonfiction, and Translation two times a year—August and January—and typically respond within 4-5 months. We welcome submissions in Art and Comics year-round. Currently, we are not accepting unsolicited reviews or interviews.
General Guidelines

There is no fee to submit and we are proud to pay our contributors: $25 per poem and $100 for prose and art pieces.

Please do not include any personal or contact information on your manuscript. Prose pieces must be double-spaced and paginated. If your poems use white space in a nontraditional way, we recommend submitting in .pdf format. Include a brief cover letter with the title(s) of your piece(s) and a short third-person bio.

All submissions must be previously unpublished.

We encourage simultaneous submissions: if your work is accepted elsewhere, wonderful! Just leave a note via Submittable as soon as possible so we know the piece has been taken. Please submit only once per genre, per reading period, and note that we cap the number of submissions to be considered at 750 per section to ensure a reasonable response time. If we reach our submission cap before the end of the month-long reading period, submissions will close early.

Current and former (within 5 years) students and employees of Vanderbilt University are ineligible to submit.

Please visit our online submissions manager to send us your work. Submissions received via email will not be read.

For questions, please contact the Editors: 

More information here

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