Sunday, August 11, 2024

Call for Submissions: F(r)iction Series

F(r)iction latest issue

F(r)iction Series

For our print magazine, we accept short fiction, flash fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry—regardless of genre, style, or origin. To get an idea of the kind of work we look for and the ethos behind what we do, please check out this page from our editors detailing what we look for in our submissions and this CLMP Member Spotlight article. And please note that we strongly encourage you to check out a past issue of F(r)iction, available in our shop.

Please also be sure to also check out our formatting guidelines.

GuidelinesCategories accepted:
● Short fiction: 1,001 – 7,500 words
● Creative nonfiction: up to 6,500 words
● Flash fiction: 1,000 words or less
● Poetry: three pages or less per poem, up to five poems per submission

Other notes:
● All genres are welcome, but especially those that celebrate the weird, take risks with form and content, and are driven by a strong, unique voice.
● All work must be previously unpublished. This means if your work has appeared in any print or online source (this includes personal blogs, websites, and social media pages), we cannot accept it.
● Simultaneous submissions are accepted, but please notify us immediately by choosing “withdraw” in Submittable if your work is selected for publication elsewhere.
● No AI submissions: We currently do not accept work from artificial intelligence (“AI”) generators or similar.
● Submit as many pieces as you’d like.
● Poetry Submissions: Please note that our poetry submissions are currently closed to give us a chance to catch up on submissions. We will be reopening this category as soon as possible.

Reading Period

Submissions are open

Price: $2.50 per submission

Payment: $10 per final printed page and two free contributor’s copies.

More information and submission portals here.

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