Saturday, September 28, 2024

Call for Submissions on Theme of "Coming of Age": Shooter Literary Magazine

Recent cover image or website screenshot for Shooter Literary Magazine

Shooter publishes themed print issues twice a year, and runs competitions for poetry during the first half of the year and short fiction during the second half of the year. We also run a monthly flash contest online.

General submission guidelines are as follows:


Writers should send short stories and non-fiction of 2,000-6,000 words and/or up to three poems on the theme Coming of Age, adhering to the guidelines below, by the deadline of October 20, 2024.

We’re looking for stories, essays, memoir and poetry on anything to do with the transition to adulthood: first love, hormonal angst, Saturday jobs, brushes with the law, experimentation, gaining independence, losing virginity. Literary reflections on books that made an impact during late adolescence would make particularly welcome essays. Tales of college and first steps on the career ladder are also relevant.

The theme is open to wide interpretation, but please adhere to the submission guidelines. In addition to thematic relevance, we seek engaging, elegant writing that maintains a high literary standard.

Documents should be in Word format, 1.5 or double spaced, with word count indicated at the end of the (prose) piece. Please submit only one piece of prose and/or up to three poems per issue.

Please include a brief biography in your email, noting any prior publishing experience, and send work to:

by October 20th.

Simultaneous submissions are fine but please let us know if your work is accepted elsewhere. Any non-fiction or journalistic work selected for publication will be fact-checked. All work must be previously unpublished either in print or online.

Successful writers can expect to hear from us within a few weeks of the deadline, if not before; all other submitters will be informed of the outcome within two months.


Shooter seeks original artwork for its covers. Artists should email examples of their work or a link to their online portfolio to:

We take note of promising illustrators on a rolling basis but, if you have work or a style you feel is particularly relevant to an upcoming theme, please draw our attention to it. Artwork will be used as cover illustration for the magazine, plus detail use on the inside pages and on Shooter’s social media.


Shooter acquires first rights for print and online/e-book publication and reserves the right to publish work that has appeared in the magazine on its website and related social media.


Upon publication, writers will be paid £25 per story and £5 per poem. Stories that fall below the requested minimum of 2,000 words will be paid at poetry rates. Artists will be paid £25 for use of their work as magazine illustration. UK contributors will receive both payment and a copy of the issue in which their work appears; non-UK contributors may choose either cash payment or a copy of the magazine.

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