Sunday, September 22, 2024

Call for Submissions: CutBank

Recent cover image or website screenshot for CutBank Literary Magazine

Electronic submissions open from September 15 to February 1.

For the print editions of CutBank, we accept poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and visual art submissions. Please only submit online; paper submissions will be recycled. We now charge a $5 reading fee, which goes toward paying our contributors for their work. Rates will be decided at the close of the submission period.

We encourage you to read CutBank before submitting. Sample issues are available here for $10, one-year subscriptions for $17.

Submit unpublished, original work, and include a cover letter (in the designated space) with a brief biography and contact information. Please do not include your contact information or biography in the document.

Simultaneous submissions are welcome, but ask that you withdraw your work immediately via Submittable if it is accepted elsewhere. Poets please email us if an individual poem in your submission becomes unavailable, and add a note in Submittable detailing the change.

Response time is typically 3 to 5 months. We appreciate the opportunity to read your work, however please do not submit again until you hear back from us, and please submit no more than twice per reading period.

FICTION should be double-spaced, in a conventional, readable font such as 12 point Times New Roman. We are unable to read unsolicited submissions of more than 8,500 words.

NONFICTION should be double-spaced, in a conventional, readable font such as 12 point Times New Roman. We are unable to read unsolicited submissions of more than 8,500 words.

POEMS should be uploaded as one file, with page breaks between poems. We accept up to five poems per submission. To withdraw your entire submission, use Submittable. To withdraw part of your submission, add a note in Submittable detailing which poems are no longer available.VISUAL ART should be uploaded as JPEG, TIFF, or PDF files of at least 300 dpi. CutBank welcomes submissions of all types of visual art for publication in our upcoming print edition. If your work is 3D, we recommend uploading multiple images to feature rotational perspective. Please submit no more than five high quality files and include an artist biography. Artist statements are appreciated but not required. If your piece is accepted, it may be used in the print edition, online features, or as cover art. We will contact you with updates regarding selection and where we would like to display your work. You can submit through Submittable with the button below or send work directly to

Every piece will be read first by an editor, and then by an enthusiastic, trained pool of readers. Reading your work is the most exciting part of our jobs, and we’re happy to say the majority of our content for CutBank comes from unsolicited submissions. We’re all writers here, and we appreciate the opportunity to read your work. Keep writing and we’ll see you on the flip side!

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