Sunday, September 15, 2024

Call for Submissions from Quebec Writers Ages 14-21: Quist

Quist is a new online magazine from the Quebec Writers’ Federation featuring the prose and poetry of Quebecers aged 14-21. Quist aims to showcase young writers with bold voices and fresh perspectives. We particularly welcome submissions by youth from diverse backgrounds, including BIPOC writers, LGBTQIA+ writers, those experiencing poverty and/or homelessness, writers for whom English is not their first language, as well as disabled and neurodivergent writers.
Give us your ghost stories and your gritty realism, your space operas and your mind-bending experimentalism! We want love poems and nature poems, poems about existential despair and poems about the contents of your fridge. Amaze us!
We accept:
  • Short fiction: one story of no more than 3500 words.
  • Flash fiction: up to three short stories, no more than 750 words each.
  • Creative non-fiction: one piece of no more than 3500 words.
  • Poetry: up to four poems. Each poem should not exceed 40 lines. Alternatively, you can submit fewer poems as long as the total number of lines does not exceed 160.
  • Art: up to five original artworks per submitter, up to 25 MB total. If submitting multiple artworks, please include an image list with your submission that includes the work’s title, date, and medium (if applicable). You can also include artist statements or additional contextual information (optional).
Quist pays $75 for each accepted submission of written work, which can include groups of poems or flash fiction. Please note that this amount covers the entire submission, not each individual piece.

Although we are working on providing monetary compensation to our arts contributors, we are unfortunately unable at this time to pay for artwork published in Quist. In lieu of payment, featured artists will be offered professional development opportunities, such as
  • A one-on-one mentorship meeting with our arts editor
  • An interview with our editor-in-chief or arts editor, to be published alongside your art
  • The opportunity to attend the launch in December and to present your work
Deadline: October 1, 2024  
Submission portal and more information here.

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