Saturday, June 1, 2024

Call for Submissions: The Sprawl Mag


Recent cover image or website screenshot for The Sprawl Mag

The Sprawl Mag is currently open to submissions of speculative poetry, short fiction, visual art, and creative nonfiction from May 18, 2024 - June 30, 2024. We love speculative work that explores colonial resistance, climate hope, and cyber-feminism. But if you don't cover those themes, that's awesome too, we want to read what matters to you!
We pay contributors $20 CAD per published piece. 
We encourage submissions from QTBIPOC, women, nonbinary, queer, and disabled writers.
We accept simultaneous submissions, but please send us an email to let us know if your piece is picked up elsewhere so we can congratulate you! Queries or withdrawals may be sent to:
We do not accept work that has been previously published.
Please include a brief, third-person biography with your submission.
Please title your documents: firstnamelastname_genre (eg. andrenorton_shortfic)
Please send all submissions through Google Forms.
If this is inaccessible to you please email us at:
More information and submission portal here.

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