Saturday, June 8, 2024

Call for Submissions on Theme of "Healing": Big Wing Review

Recent cover image or website screenshot for Big Wing Review

Please read before submitting (link below):

Big Wing Review is now accepting literary submissions through June 15, 2024 (midnight EST) for our third (!!!) print + digital publication (scheduled for release in August 2024).

We accept essays, prose, flash fiction, poetry, spoken word, and visual art works. There is no fee to submit. 

For this round of submissions due June 15, 2024, we will be accepting work on the subject of healing. Healing can mean restoration, regeneration, or rebirth. We shed parts of ourselves constantly. What are you healing from? How can your journey relate to that of others? Does healing require revenge, justice, or retribution? Or is it self-contained?

From the Editor:

We are a magazine that brings emerging artists and writers to a wider audience. Both new and experienced writers are welcome to submit!

Language / Format Requirements: All submissions must be in English and must be previously unpublished. A written transcript must accompany spoken word recordings. We do not accept translations of previously published works.

Simultaneous Submissions: Simultaneous submissions are allowed, as long as we are notified if the piece is accepted for publication elsewhere.

Submission Limits: Individuals are limited to one submission per person with the following work guidelines:

  • Flash fiction: Less than 1,000 words. Max 2 per submission.
  • Prose/Essay: Less than 4,000 words. Max 1 per submission.
  • Poetry: Max 3 poems per submission.
  • Spoken word: Max 2 minutes of audio recording per submission.
  • Visual art: Must be available in 300 dpi resolution. Max 5 pieces per submission.

Revisions: Please do not send revisions. We will publish all content as received, so please review copy carefully prior to submission.

Copyright: Big Wing Review holds first serial rights for material that we publish (see here for info on what this means). The copyright automatically reverts to the author upon publication. All work may be permanently archived online. We ask that Big Wing Review be acknowledged in any subsequent publication of the work.

Payment: $10 per published work.

Other Questions? Contact:

Submit your work here.

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