Friday, June 21, 2024

Call for Submissions on Theme of "Body": 3 Cents Magazine


Recent cover image or website screenshot for 3cents Magazine

The theme for Issue 8 is “Body.” As readers and writers, we often focus on the mind, our thoughts, and the emotional and intellectual experiences of being. But how often have I had to rearrange the couch pillows just right to fully immerse myself in a book? Our bodies grow, move, touch, feel, yearn, and age. They can surprise us by surpassing limits or fail us just as easily. For Issue 8, we want to read words that intertwine with limbs and torsos. Send us literature that pulls us out of the mind and into the physicality of our bodies. In other words, we’re looking for work that truly embodies “body.”

We will publish a minimum of one "mini collection" of three pieces from different writers (one poetry, one fiction, and one nonfiction) but are open to several, depending on the quality and quantity of submissions. We encourage you to submit work that pushes the boundaries of this issue's theme.

Issue Theme: Body

Deadline: July 31, 2024

While we're working on our next issue, take a look at our previous issues to better understand how and what we publish!

Thank you for your interest.

Submit your work here.

Call for Submissions on Theme of "Metamorphosis": South 85

Recent cover image or website screenshot for South 85 Journal

South 85 Journal is reading fiction, flash, poetry & CNF for our Winter theme issue: METAMORPHOSIS. Reading period closes on 8-31-24.

South 85 Journal is accepting general submissions from June 15, 2024, to August 31, 2024, for its Winter issue through Submittable: South 85 Submissions Page. Additional reading periods will be announced for 2025.


  • We’re reading for our first theme issue! Merriam-Webster defines “metamorphosis” as change of physical form, structure, or substance perhaps by supernatural means; a striking alteration in appearance, character, or circumstances; a typically marked and more or less abrupt developmental change in the form or structure of an animal (such as a butterfly or a frog) occurring subsequent to birth or hatching. But isn’t metamorphosis more than that?? Show us what this haunting word means to YOU.
  • Fiction submissions should be between 1000 and 4000 words. Please include word count in upper corner of first page. For fiction that is fewer than 1000 words, please submit to the flash category.
  • Nonfiction submissions should be no longer than 4000 words. Please include the word count in your email.
  • Poetry submissions should contain no more than 3 poems, up to 6 total pages, one poem per page.
  • Please send only one submission per category (Poetry, Fiction, Flash, and Non-Fiction) during each reading period. You are welcome to submit to multiple categories. Include the title of your work in your file name.
  • We will publish flash fiction, short stories, and novel excerpts, provided they can stand on their own. We do not publish genre fiction or children’s stories. We encourage you to read archives of South 85 Journal and acquaint yourself with the material we publish before submitting your work. We encourage the use of a content warning if necessary, in consideration of our manuscript readers.
  • Type should be no smaller than 12-pt. font. Please use a standard font such as Times New Roman or Arial, and refrain from script or “flowery” lettering.
  • All work will be considered for our Editor’s Choice Award of $100. which be given to ONE piece in issue.
  • Submissions should be saved in Word or Rich Text format.
  • Number pages consecutively, double space, and use margins of at least one inch.
  • Place your name, email address, and word count in an upper corner of the first page.
  • We do not solict work; each published piece comes to us through Submittable.
  • Converse MFA students and faculty are not permitted to submit work to South 85 Journal.
  • We accept simultaneous submissions. If it is accepted elsewhere, please promptly withdraw your work via Submittable.
  • Please include a professional bio of 50 words or fewer written in the third person with your cover letter.

South 85 Journal does not publish work which has been previously published, either in print or online. 

Our reply time is typically six to eight weeks. If AI has been used in the creation of the work, please indicate so.

We acquire exclusive first-time Internet rights only. All other rights revert to the author at publication, but we offer formal, written reassignments upon request. Works are also archived online. We are unable to pay for submissions, however thanks to an anonymous donor, ONE piece in the issue will be awarded the Editor’s Choice Award of $100. We ask that whenever an author reprints the work that first appeared in our pages, South 85 Journal be given acknowledgment for the specific work(s) involved.

Call for Submissions: Etched Onyx Magazine

Recent cover image or website screenshot for Etched Onyx Magazine & Story Discovery Podcast

We are currently taking submissions for our Fall 2024 Edition. The deadline is August 18, 2024 with a $6.00 submission fee. If your work is selected it will be published in our on-line magazine AND narrated on the Story Discovery Podcast. Please keep in mind that the podcast includes an author interview. We recommend you listen to a few shows to get a sense of what that’s like. Hint, it’s lots of fun!

Our non-contest editions pay $25 for works up to 2500 words (this includes poetry) and $50 for works up to 5000 words.

  • All applications must come through our Submittable portal. If you’d like to send us an email to provide kudos for the stories or the podcast, wonderful! However, any surreptitious attempts at submitting stories through email will be fed to our Auctor Dragon.
  • Submitted works must be previously unpublished fiction, nonfiction, poetry or flash fiction. We do not require that you put the story’s life on hold while applying to us, therefore simultaneous submissions are fine, but please do let us know immediately if your work is accepted elsewhere and at what publication.
  • A cover letter is not required. If your submission gains consideration we will contact you for more information.
  • We try to respond to all entries about two weeks out from the magazine publish date.
  • We are open to all styles, genres, and types of writing as long as the story or poem is engaging.
  • We require a minimum of three (3) poems but prefer five (5). Five (5) poems is the maximum you may submit in one document/submission.
  • All works must be under 5,000 words.
  • If you have been previously published with us please wait 12 months before submitting additional works for consideration. While we are pleased beyond measure that you enjoyed your experience with Etched Onyx, and although we’d love to read more of your work, we do try to provide opportunities for other writers to share their works with the wider world.
Full guidelines and Submittable link here.

Call for Submissions from Southern Writers: Belle Point Press

*Submissions are open as of June 15, 2024. We will be reading for our 2026 catalog on a rolling basis throughout the summer months. When we are ready to close, we will share an update with a final deadline.*

We are seeking full-length manuscripts in the following genres: Fiction (novels and novellas, short stories, etc.) 

Poetry collections (full-length)
Creative nonfiction (memoirs, essays, etc.)
General nonfiction (reported or critical essays, cultural projects, etc.)
Hybrid collections

Prose manuscripts vary in length across categories; we are generally more interested in the project’s sense of cohesion than specific word counts. For full-length poetry, we would prefer collections with at least fifty pages but are willing to consider shorter manuscripts.

Currently, we are not reading chapbook manuscripts or considering submissions for our Prose Series. If this changes, we will update this page and announce on our socials.

Note: We prefer to see full manuscripts rather than proposals. However, if you do not have a completed manuscript but have made substantial progress on a project that you think could be a strong fit for us, please send a sample and overview of the book along with a projected date of completion.

If you have any questions, general queries should go to Casie Dodd at:

Please do not send full submissions to this address.

What we’re looking for:

Our mission is simple: stick around and read. What does this mean in practice? Two things, broadly speaking: At Belle Point Press, we are often preoccupied with stories defined by people who invest in the places they call home—who decide to make a place into a real community, with all its particular qualities. In a time when many often find themselves displaced or restless (for many reasons), we’re most interested in cultivating writers committed to their places. If you’d like to learn more about our vision, check out this post.

As a press centered on building a community around our region, we are primarily interested in seeing work from writers tied to Arkansas and the surrounding area, including Oklahoma, Louisiana, Texas, Tennessee, Mississippi, and Missouri. We also consider the broader South and the Gulf Coast to be in conversation with this multifaceted region. (This connection doesn’t necessarily have to be explicit in the work itself.). Show us what it means to be from around here.

Writing with a clear sense of place (whether still rooted here or hovering around its margins)

We tend to focus on literary work (i.e. poetry, literary fiction, creative nonfiction) but are open to seeing other types of nonfiction projects (such as reported or critical essays and other cultural projects related to the region).

Want to know more? Read these tips from our Founder/Publisher.

We look forward to reading your work!

Full submission guidelines and link here.

Call for Submissions: Blanket Gravity Magazine

What We're Looking For

Blanket Gravity Magazine is a journal for fiction, creative nonfiction, and visual art. We are interested in moments of emotional intensity, and how their effects ring out in the bigger picture of our identities. We are looking for writing and art that explore mental health or emotional life. By "mental health," we mean art that tries to make sense of emotional struggle or uncertainty, as well as our thoughts about who we are, what other people mean to us, and the nature of the world.

For nonfiction, we hope to receive personal essays by people with lived experience of mental illness or emotional struggle.

We curate submissions for writing and art that will offer readers experiences outside their emotional pain, or a moment of interest or connection. We're not trying to erase or replace negative moods—we’re trying to show an expression of care.

How to Submit

Please email your submission with a brief cover letter in the body of the email, including a short third-person bio, to:

The submissions period opened March 19, 2024 and will close on July 19.

Writing: Please use .docx or PDF format for submitted writing. Your attached document should not include any identifying information; authors' identities are anonymous during the review process. We are open to simultaneous submissions, but please let us know immediately if your work has been accepted elsewhere. We consider previously published work, as long as the author retains reprint rights and can provide attribution. For unpublished writing, writers retain copyright after granting non-exclusive First World Electronic Rights to Blanket Gravity Magazine. The maximum length we consider is 9,000 words. Writers may indicate if they want to publish under a pseudonym or anonymously. Payment upon publication is $40 per accepted submission. Unfortunately, we are not considering poetry for the first issue.

Art: Include high-quality attachments of 3-7 images, as well as a link in the body of the email to the artist's portfolio if available. Blanket Gravity Magazine asks for non-exclusive license to reproduce the artwork in the online and digital magazines and social media. Artists may indicate if they want to publish their artwork under a pseudonym or anonymously. Payment upon publication is $40 per accepted piece.

Call for Submissions: At Length

At Length will open for new submission during the summer of 2024 (May – August). To keep up to date on future submission windows, please follow us on social media (X [formerly Twitter], Facebook, or Mastodon) or write us an email ( asking to be added to our newsletter. We promise not to share your information with third parties.

When we are reading new work, we accept all submissions over email. Please note the genre of your submission in your email’s subject line and attach your submission as a PDF or Microsoft Word document. Simultaneous submissions are allowed so long as you notify us immediately if your work has been accepted elsewhere. A cover letter is appreciated. Please refrain from submitting more than once during a reading period, and do not submit work that has been previously published—including on personal websites.

We encourage you to read some new work on At Length before considering us as a home for your work.

Submissions Guidelines

Poetry: Please submit a single long poem, poetic sequence, or excerpt from a book-length poem. There are no specific length requirements—the long poem, as the Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry Poetics (2012) reminds us, is a flexible form that “foregrounds the writer’s role in making a distinctive way” through their material—but we imagine submissions of between 5-15 pages.

Send your poetry to:

Fiction: Please submit a long short story, novella, or stand-alone excerpt from a novel-in-progress. Submissions ought to be self-contained and readable without prefatory remarks or glosses. We expect submissions to run between 7,500 and 20,000 words, though we remain open to work that runs a bit longer (or shorter) than these parameters.

Send fiction to:

Essays: Please submit a long essay or a stand-alone excerpt from a book-in-progress. As with fiction, essay submissions ought to be self-contained and readable without prefatory remarks; consider 7,500 to 20,000 words a good benchmark for length. At Length is interested in narrative non-fiction, personal essays, and belletristic literary criticism (please, no scholarship). 

Send essays to:

Translations: Please submit a long, translated work, or a stand-alone excerpt from a translated-book-in-progress; include the source text with your submission. Please follow the genre guidelines given elsewhere on this page for your submission. Also, in your cover letter, please address the rights situation with regard to your translation (i.e., do you have permission, or is the source text in the public domain, etc.).

Send translations to:

Everything Else: Historically, At Length has published music criticism, photography portfolios, painting, and art criticism. We’ve published comics. We’ve published interviews. If you have a piece (or portfolio) that you think we might like, and you’re not sure what category suits it, we might find a home for it here. Please query us first before submitting to “Everything Else.” 

Submit to:

Call for Submissions: Sweet Tree Review


Sweet Tree Review accepts submissions of poetry, fiction, and non-fiction year-round.
we can’t wait to read your work.
Sweet Tree operates through a blind submission process. Please do not include your name or identifying information on your submission document or in the title. Submissions that disregard this guideline will be automatically rejected.
We accept poetry – up to 5 poems, all in one document, no more than 10 pages.
We accept fiction and non-fiction – up to 7,500 words, double-spaced, 12 point font.
Sweet Tree accepts simultaneous submissions. In the event that your work is accepted elsewhere, please notify us immediately. We do not accept previously published work.
Sweet Tree Review requests First North American Serial Rights. After publication, all rights revert to the author. All accepted work will be archived online. In addition, we ask that any future publications of the accepted work are acknowledged back to Sweet Tree Review.
Expect a response from us within 6 months. If you have not heard from us after 6 months, feel free to send an inquiry email to: 
Submit your work here

Call for Poetry Submissions from LGBTQ+ Poets: Fourteen Poems

New queer poetry is in an exciting place.

We want to represent all that’s thrilling about the new wave of LGBTQ+ poets. If you’re a poet, even if you’ve never been published before, we want to read your work.

Below are our current publishing opportunities. Please read carefully and make sure you adhere to the guidelines as much as possible so that we can accept your work.

With all submissions, please send a single word or pdf document containing your work, with a small additional paragraph about yourself. We judge the poems blind, so try to keep your name off the actual document if possible. Don’t worry too much about what to say in the paragraph. We just want to know a little bit about you, how you identify, if you’ve been published elsewhere, and what your work is like. Please don’t include any graphics or images.

We’re based in London, but you can be from anywhere. Submission is free and, with our anthologies, you retain your copyright. We know how difficult it is to get published, so we’re happy for you to submit elsewhere simultaneously. We don’t publish work that has already been published online or in print.

Our Anthologies

We publish our anthology of the most exciting LGBTQ+ poets around 3 times a year and we want to include you! Our submissions window is rolling, but the deadline for the next issue is September 1st 2024. You’ll hear back from us by mid November. We contact all poets either way.

To be considered, email up to 5 poems in a single pdf or word document, with a small paragraph about yourself to: 

We pay £25 for each poem published. 

South Fork Fire in Ruidoso, New Mexico

 Dear friends,

As some of you may know, the banner photo for this blog is a picture of Ruidoso, New Mexico, taken from our living room window. We have lived in this lovely small mountain town for seven years. On Monday, Ruidoso was hit with not one but two major forest fires: the South Fork Fire and the Salt Fire. The two fires forced the evacuation of over 8000 people (including us) and burned 20,000 acres. Two people died. Authorities are still doing damage assessments, but it's estimated that approximately 1400 structures burned. On Wednesday, Ruidoso received heavy rain, which caused flash floods through the burn scar areas.

We have been extremely fortunate. We're safe and our house is fine. But so many of our neighbors and friends have lost everything.

The village and surrounding communities have rallied to help everyone in need, but those needs are great. There are people who are homeless and/or who have lost their jobs. Ruidoso is facing a long, hard period of recovery, but I do believe the town will recover in time. The locals are remarkably resilient and some of the kindest people I have ever known. If you find in your heart to offer assistance, the best local organization is The Community Foundation of Lincoln County. They have been around for decades and are dedicated to helping local citizens in need after a disaster. The link:

Thank you.


Friday, June 14, 2024

Call for Submissions on Theme of "Shaping Destiny": About Place Journal

Editor: Michael McDermott

Contributing Editors: Richard Cambridge, Ann Fisher-Wirth, Jacqueline Johnson, Marjory Wentworth

Open for submissions on June 1, 2024

All submissions are due by August 1, 2024

The election is upon us. We have been watching how rights have been taken away and how so many things that meant progress are being attacked and reversed. The inequitable economy is looming, evidenced by daily suffering from food and housing insecurity.

Many issues improved over the last 80 years, but are now in danger. Civil and reproductive rights, an awareness of colonialism, the development of gender-positive norms all came into existence, only to be attacked. More recently, the college campuses have erupted in support of Palestinians and against the genocide in Gaza. The support for Palestine is a sharp break from the past and will continue in spite of intense repression.

This election will have consequences. Sharp divisions in society could get worse with feared consequences arising. The threat of authoritarianism is very real and creates a world of reaction, which promises to drag society back before the days of the civil rights movement and the counterculture, and to result in even more widespread incarceration of both immigrants and others. Any efforts to address climate change and protect the non-human will likely disappear.

Now, before the election, we are called upon to expose the attacks and show ways that we remain strong. There is no doubt that things would get much worse under another Trump presidency. Biden also makes it harder with the support for Israel and other disappointments. How these play out is rich ground for your insights about how we can get through the next months. We expect that the submissions will reflect such tension.

After the election there will be work, however the election goes. The fight to regain lost rights is a powerful voice, as we see in moves to reverse limits on and criminalize reproductive freedom in critical states. The campus encampments will not vanish, police violence will continue to see local and national exposure and resistance. Immigration and concomitant conflicts will continue. Indigenous people still cry out for freedom and sovereignty. The land needs protection and love, as do all its creatures, of which humans are only a small part. Art is a force for all this.

Black Earth Institute is committed to a worldview that integrates social justice with a commitment to protecting the environment and engaging with these issues through spiritual practice and creative art. We encourage contributors to explore how matters of the spirit and environmental thinking influence their observations about the coming election.

Shaping Destiny is looking for your work reflecting the pre-election, election, and post-election periods. We are looking for poetry, prose (creative nonfiction, fiction, and flash essays), graphic art and images, wall murals, songs and music videos, and interviews (to be approved before).

Submit your work here.

Call for Submissions on Theme of "Devil's Party": Instant Noodles


Recent cover image or website screenshot for Instant Noodles

Closes on Sunday, June 30, 2024 11:59 PM UTC

Just in time for the moody season of fall, DEVIL'S PARTY is our theme. Of course poet John Milton was said to be a member of the devil's party (meant like political party), so think about a devilish party of any kind, or the devil is in the details, devil's food cake, the devil take you, etc. Use your creativity and take our friend the devil out to play. NOPE, we are not looking for religious admonitions against the devil. Serious pieces are okay; religious rants or attempts at conversion are not, nor are we looking for devil worship (we respectfully leave that to the band Black Sabbath). We're not viewing the devil in the biblical sense here; we're thinking of it as a signifier, as, for example, devil's food cake is named that way to indicate the cake is very tempting. However if you write a short piece that includes the devil as a character in some way (horror, humor), that works, as long as it is not a religious lesson.

Submissions close JUNE 30, 2024 and the issue publishes September 1, 20241.

Please note:

Profanity should appear in the piece only when it adds to the impact or authenticity of the piece.

No hate: nothing that disparages people for things they cannot help like weight, gender, sexual orientation, pronouns, etc. This is not the place to complain that you don’t like something.

If your piece is off-topic it will not be accepted no matter how wonderful it is. Please be mindful of the themes. Same goes for length. Please be mindful of word counts/length for videos, etc. as they are indicated in the call.

We do not discuss why pieces are, or are not, accepted. If your piece is not chosen we simply state: this is not the piece we are looking for at this time.

Know your publication: you will do better submitting to Instant Noodles if you have read a recent issue.

Instant Noodles is always FREE to read and to submit. Many people volunteer their time to put it together, and those chosen are not paid for their submissions, but we do submit to Pushcart and Best of the Net awards annually.

All submissions must be between 1 and 500 words. So, if you submit two poems, each poem must be 500 words or less. One piece of fiction, 500 words or less, and so on.

There is no submission fee for authors, and no cost for readers. All content will be publicly available within the INSTANT NOODLES website .

We promise a tasty collection of works you’re guaranteed to enjoy!

Submit your work here.

Call for Submissions: Pleiades

 Recent cover image or website screenshot for Pleiades: Literature in Context

•Pleiades is open for regular submissions during the month of June. Please note that submissions sent outside the submission period and submissions with no selected genre will not be considered. Unsolicited poetry, fiction, translations (submit under “poetry), and nonfiction should be submitted via our online submissions manager. Unfortunately, we cannot consider paper submissions and emailed submissions, and mailed manuscripts will be recycled. Please do not submit more than once in a given genre during each reading period. Due to staffing changes and an unprecedented volume of submissions, our response time is longer than usual. Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding. *Book Review submissions will be on hiatus until September 1.

• Please remember to select the genre of your submission, as submissions sent with no genre marked will not be read. Translations can be submitted under “poetry”.

• Though we attend to submissions as quickly as possible, please allow up to six months before querying.

• We are especially interested in reading submissions from writers from historically marginalized communities as part of our commitment to a broad representation of dynamic work.

• Writers should review past issues of Pleiades to get a sense of our aesthetic and preferences. Order Pleiades here.

• Pleiades DOES accept simultaneous submissions, but we ask that you notify us immediately if a piece is accepted elsewhere. *If you need to withdraw your work from consideration, please email the appropriate genre editor with the subject line “Withdrawal.”

• To have a book considered for review, send a review copy to: Pleiades Book Review • Dept of English, Martin 336 • University of Central Missouri • Warrensburg, MO 64093. Please note: not all books received will be reviewed, though we do review 40+ books in each year.

More information here.

Call for Submissions from LGBTQIA+ Writers on Theme of "Drag": Just Femme & Dandy

Recent cover image or website screenshot for just femme & dandy

We are currently taking submissions for our 7th issue! The theme is DRAG. Our definition of drag is expansive, and we invite you to consider how drag as the performance of gender shows up in your lives. We want to hear about how/when/where gender is performed, the day to day lives behind the makeup, the politics of gender and normativity, different forms of drag, how this all coincides with fashion and dress. While we would love to hear from up and coming drag artists and independent fashion designers, this theme is for everyone, not just drag artists and enthusiasts. If you have something to say about gendered performance, we want to hear it! You are welcome to send us submissions outside of the theme, but submissions that relate to the theme are highly encouraged. We accept anything that can be displayed on a website: poetry, fiction, nonfiction, tutorial, illustration, comix, photography, painting, video, drag, costume/fashion designs, hot takes, interviews, and so on!

We pay 50 USD per text-based submission and up to 150 USD (note, this is a change from previous issues) per multimedia submission (video, photography, image + text, fashion spread + interview, etc.), determined by the editor who accepts the piece for publication. We pay using Venmo or PayPal and we are unable to work with any other payment services.

SUBMISSIONS WILL BE OPEN FROM June 3, 2024 - August 5, 2024. Please only submit ONE submission. Pitches that don’t fall under any specific category (or multiple categories) can be sent to:

but please do take some time to consider which section it most applies.

More submission information, including submission addresses, here.

Call for Submissions: The Temz Review

We are currently OPEN for submissions to the journal from June 1 to July 31, 2024.

*New* AI Policy
There are legitimate artistic reasons to use AI. If you submit work to us that uses AI, be sure to clearly state in your cover message/letter the following:

a) The extent of AI use
b) The reason(s) for AI use

Submitting work containing AI-generated material without accurately disclosing the nature and extent of this content will result in a permanent ban on submitting to us.

Prose (for the journal)
We publish prose (fiction and creative non-fiction) up to 10,000 words long. We will consider pieces longer than 10,000 words, but they need to earn their length.

We pay $20 per piece.

If your piece is longer than 1000 words, please submit only one piece. If your pieces are fewer than 1000 words each, feel free to submit several pieces at once.

We are looking for innovative short fiction from diverse voices. Our preference is for the strange, the experimental and the boundary-pushing, but we are open to a wide range of styles and voices.

Poetry (for the journal) We accept submissions of 1-8 poems, depending on the length of the poems.

We prefer poetry submissions to be 10 pages or fewer. You can certainly send us longer submissions, particularly if you are submitting a long poem, but longer submissions need to earn their length.

We pay $20 per batch of poems we publish.

Our preference is for innovative verse that pushes the boundaries of poetry, but we are open to a wide range of styles and voices.

Please submit only once per reading period.

Reviews and Interviews (for the journal)
We do not accept reviews or interviews submitted through Moksha. If you are interested in writing a review for us or placing an interview with us, please query us first at:

thetemzreview[at]gmail[dot]com (Change [at] to @ and [dot] to . )

We are particularly interested in reviews of Canadian small press titles and of works in translation, and in interviews with the authors of this kind of work.

Simultaneous Submissions Welcome!
We welcome simultaneous submissions, provided you notify us and/or withdraw a piece that is accepted for publication elsewhere. 

Submit your work here.

Call for Submissions to Voices Anthologies: Jack Walker Press

Jack Walker Press invites writers to submit personal essays for our upcoming anthology, "Voices on the Gift of Aging" (working title). We seek reflections, and insightful and transformative narratives exploring the multifaceted aging journey. We aim to celebrate the richness, wisdom, and unique experiences that come with growing older. Yet we realize that losses come with aging. Truth is often complicated.

Be funny, be sad, be real. Send essays in first-person that tell a story and include both what you know for sure and unresolved struggles. Small insights are often more real than a writer who knows all the answers. Imagine someone you love who is young. What kind of story or essay would inspire, inform, and help them adapt to the changes, losses, and gains of getting older? Imagine someone turning a milestone age. How can you give them a reason to celebrate or proceed with caution? Be funny, angry, smart, or confused, but be real. Include rhetorical devices to create a rich essay that leaves a lasting impact on the reader. The anthology will go forward only if enough quality essays are submitted to create an amazing collection.

Submission Guidelines: 

Essay Length: Up to 4000 words.
Authenticity: Stories must be true personal accounts.
Narrative Style: First-person essays are preferred.
Rights: We request one-time publishing rights for accepted essays.
Content: Essays should present dimensional characterizations and have a clear narrative arc.
Themes: possible ideas for exploration include:

  • Youthful beauty isn't the only kind
  • Milestone birthdays
  • What I’ve lost and gained
  • Loving myself
  • Functional but not optimal
  • Closer to death
  • More or less spiritual as you age
  • Better life at the end
  • Aging losses and gains
  • How I thrive
  • Aging isn't anything to be afraid of
  • Why can't they see me?
  • Old guys with skills
  • The most important lessons of age
  • Wiser?
  • What to do with vanity…
  • Embracing vulnerability
  • Rediscovering passion and purpose
  • Navigating changing relationships with family
  • The evolution of friendships over time
  • Reflections on career and legacy
  • Exploring new hobbies and interests
  • Coping with health challenges and resilience
  • Navigating societal attitudes toward aging
  • The beauty of solitude and introspection
  • Finding joy in simple pleasures and small moments
  • Downsizing for more life
  • After I’m gone
  • Challenges of aging: 50’s, 60’s 70’s, 80’s, and beyond.
  • Wrinkles are not a disease.
  • I’ve just gotten cooler.
  • My parents are dragging me into old age
  • My kids are pushing me into old age

Submission Process: Please email your submission to [Get the Email Address] with the subject line "Voices on the Gift of Aging Submission." Include your contact information with your submission. Address, phone, number email address. Attach the Word file. Label the file with the name of the submission and your name. For example: Aging Jones Cross-Promotion: We appreciate authors who are willing to cross-promote the anthology.
Compensation: We offer a $25 honorarium (or book copies)for essays of at least 1000 words. Acknowledgment: If your essay is reprinted, please acknowledge in writing that it was previously published in the (name the specific place and date).
Publication Timeline: Publication of the anthology will be 12-24 months after essays are accepted, edited, and compiled. This allows for proofreading, advance reviews, and marketing.
Stay Connected: By submitting, you will be added to our newsletter list to receive updates on the publishing progress of the anthology.

We look forward to reading your poignant, funny, dark, and insightful essays on the gift of aging. Together, let us illuminate the beauty and depth found over time.


Jack Walker Press invites writers to submit personal essays for our forthcoming anthology, "Voices on the Land that I Love (d)” (working title). This anthology aims to explore the diverse, complex, and ever-evolving landscape of the United States through personal narratives and reflections. When we say landscape, you may focus on culture. Or you may have a theme that is rooted in a physical place. Be personal. Be real. We seek stories that capture the essence of the American experience, offering insights, critiques, and celebrations of our nation and its people. If someone were to read your essay in 100 years, they should be able to feel the turbulence, hate, comfort, fear, love, and emotions related to living in this time.

Write in the first person. We want personal essays, but you may include cited sources. Be funny, angry, smart, or confused, but be real. Include rhetorical devices to create a rich essay that leaves a lasting impact on the reader. The anthology will go forward only if enough quality essays are submitted to create an amazing collection.

Submission Guidelines: Essay Length: Up to 4000 words.
Authenticity: Stories must be true personal accounts.
Narrative Style: First-person essays are preferred.
Rights: We request one-time publishing rights for accepted essays.
Content: Essays should offer unique perspectives and engage with the themes of the American experience.

Possible themes include, but are not limited to: 

  • Aspirational USA
  • Disillusionment
  • How to be a liberal in a conservative town
  • How to be a conservative in a liberal family
  • Why I'm liberal
  • I don’t want to care about politics
  • Church and Politics
  • Book banning
  • Bodily Autonomy in the USA
  • Women in the USA
  • Modern-day slavery in the USA
  • How a specific politician affected my life
  • Have you lost your mind?
  • Have I lost my mind?
  • My veteran ancestors and what they fought for.
  • How my belief in American ideals has changed
  • What are the values of the USA
  • What happened to Transcendentalism
  • Immigrants in the USA
  • Understanding this liberal/conservative
  • Understanding this conservative
  • How social media in the USA changed me or changed my relationships
  • Authoritarian creep into our culture
  • You’d be surprised to know this about me because I’m Liberal or Conservative.
  • What happened to facts, journalism, freedom, and values?
  • Church and state.
  • My immigrant in the USA story.
  • My experience as a minority in the USA
  • White men in the USA.
  • The culture of outrage in the US fuels irrationality.
  • Who’s ruining the country
  • Is the USA the best country in the world? Why?
  • Church and State

Submission Process:

Please email your submission to [Get the Email Address] with the subject line " Land that I Love Author Name." Include your contact information with your submission—name, Address, phone, email. Label your file with the essay name and author name. Cross-Promotion: We appreciate authors who are willing to cross-promote the anthology.
Compensation: We offer a $25 honorarium (or book copies) for original essays of at least 1000 words. We know it’s not enough. These anthologies are a labor of love. If they become profitable, we will increase our payments.
Acknowledgment: If your essay is reprinted, please acknowledge in writing that it was previously published in the Jack Walker Press anthology, "Voices on the Land that I Love."
Publication Timeline: Publication of the anthology will occur several months after essays are accepted, edited, and compiled. This allows for proofreading, advance reviews, and marketing.
Stay Connected: By submitting, you will be added to our newsletter list to receive updates on the publishing progress of the anthology.

Writing Competition: 2024 Robert and Adele Schiff Awards

The Cincinnati Review is accepting entries for the 2024 Robert and Adele Schiff Awards from now through July 15th. 

We'll choose one poem, one story, and one piece of literary nonfiction for publication in our 2025 prize issue, and the three winners will each receive $1,000.

The entry fee of $25 includes a yearlong subscription*, and all entries will be considered for publication, not just the winners. For each entry, send up to 8 pages of poetry, 10,000 words of a single double-spaced piece of fiction, or 5,000 words of a single double-spaced piece of literary nonfiction. Please submit entries through our online submission manager, but not without reading our complete contest guidelines first.

*All international entrants will receive an electronic rather than print subscription.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Call for Submissions: Pens and Poison Magazine

Please send all submissions to as a Word or PDF attachment. We accept submissions on a rolling basis and publish two issues per year.

We do not have word count limits, but please use your best judgement when submitting a piece.

Simultaneous submissions and reprints from personal websites are okay, but please do not send us pieces that have been published professionally elsewhere. 

All rights revert to the author upon publication in Pens and Poison Magazine.

Poetry: Send us 2-5 poems in a single attachment.

Fiction: Send us 1-3 pieces in a single attachment.

Non-Fiction: Send us 1-3 pieces in a single attachment. We are particularly interested in personal essays and opinion pieces.

We look forward to reading your work!

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Call for Submissions on Theme of "Live & Learn": The Writers' Journal

The Writers' Journal now open to submissions of memoirs, fiction, creative nonfiction, and prose poetry related to the theme Live & Learn. 

All work must be: Related to the theme: Live & Learn

  • Previously unpublished online or in print
  • 150 to 1,000 words written in English
  • 12-point New Times Roman font, double-spaced with only one space between sentences, and attached to an email in Word doc format
  • Submitted by authors 18 years of age or older
  • Original – No AI-generated stories

Please attach your story to your cover letter, add your email address, and 3rd person bio of no more than 50 words.

The subject line of your email must include the author’s name, genre, and title of the piece (i.e., John Doe, Memoir, “My Lesson”).

The Writers’ Journal is free to submit to and will be free to read online. Hard copies will be available for purchase. If your submission is accepted, we will require your written authorization prior to publication in our journal.

Submit your work and any questions to:

by September 1, 2024.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Call for Submissions: New Feathers Anthology

New Feathers Anthology is an online literature and art magazine, published three times annually, with a year-end print anthology. We are interested in quality fiction, poetry, nonfiction, visual art, music, and short videos, imposing no restrictions on genre; however, we only accept written work that has not been previously published, whether in print or online.

We are open for submissions from February 1 to March 1 for our spring issue, June 1 to July 1 for our summer issue, and October 1 to November 1 for our winter issue.

​All work must be electronically submitted to our editors through: 

with "Submission genre (fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, music, video): Author Name, Title" in the subject line (as an example, "Fiction: Haruki Murakami, ‘After the Quake’"). Works of literature should be attached to the email as a .doc or .docx file. We suggest that literature submissions be formatted with 12 pt. Times New Roman type, and essays and short stories should be double spaced. Your file should contain no identifying information, as all submissions are read blindly by our editors. Include a cover letter in the body of the email with your first and last name, email address, mailing address, the title of your work(s), and a brief bio (100 words or less). If you have a project to promote or a website, include a few lines promoting your work and a link to your website.

Simultaneous submissions are accepted. If your submission has been accepted by another journal, however, please do us a favor and withdraw the piece by sending us an email at: 

Allow four to six weeks for a decision.

Fiction and Nonfiction
We welcome literary fiction submissions of all forms, including those that incorporate experimental or genre elements. We are happy to consider self-contained excerpts of novels and long stories. In nonfiction, we welcome memoir, personal essay, lyric and experimental work, hybrid forms, new journalism and non-academic cultural criticism. Please limit fiction and nonfiction submissions to one story or essay, with a maximum of 4,000 words. For flash fiction or nonfiction, contributors may submit up to three works.

We are looking for fresh, original work that impresses us with its ideas, language, and technique, regardless of the form. When submitting, make sure that the line breaks, spacing, and other formal elements of your poem are correct. Please limit poetry submissions to one to five poems.

Works of visual art should be attached to an email as a .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .png, or .pdf file. We accept most forms of visual art (as photos); this includes photography, illustration, animation, sculpture, painting, ceramics, and drawing. Each artist can submit up to three pieces of visual art for consideration.

Since we are an online journal, we are excited to include short films (no more than twenty minutes). We are interested in both documentary and fictional work, of all types. Please attach videos in your email as an mp4, mpg, mov, or wmv file. If your file is too large to mail, contact the editors, and we will arrange a dropbox to upload your file.

Music should be attached to the email as an mp3 file or as an html code embed to a Soundcloud or Bandcamp file. We prefer a file, to avoid broken or changed links. Attach an image that you would like to include with the song. If your file is too large to mail, contact the editors, and we will arrange a dropbox to upload your file.

New Feathers Anthology acquires First Electronic Rights and Archival Rights for the work we publish in our magazine. We ask that you give permission for us to also publish your work in the year-end print anthology. All rights revert back to the author upon publication. If your work is later republished, we request you note its initial publication in New Feathers Anthology.

​At this time we are unable to offer monetary payment to our contributors, but all contributors will be eligible for the New Feathers Award at the end of the year and will receive a print copy of the year-end anthology comprised of all works published during the year.

Call for Submissions: The McNeese Review

Recent cover image or website screenshot for The McNeese Review

Submissions for Volume 62 of The McNeese Review are open June 1st – August 15th, 2024.

Please follow the guidelines for the relevant genre of your work and please submit no more than once per reading period (multiple submissions will not be read unless the editors have specifically requested that the writer submit again). Submit only original work. Let us know if your writing borrows from or quotes another writer.

We encourage simultaneous submissions; however, please use Submittable to withdraw your submission if it is accepted by another publication. If you need to withdraw a single poem or piece of flash fiction or nonfiction but wish to keep other pieces in your submission under consideration, please use the Note feature on Submittable.

No material published in The McNeese Review may be reprinted or reproduced, in whole or in part, without the permission of the authors. We ask that The McNeese Review be credited with first publication. All print contributors receive one contributor copy and a $50 honorarium. Contributors outside of the U.S. will receive two additional author copies in lieu of the honorarium.

Visit our Submittable page to buy current and past issues or to submit your writing. There is a $3 charge for submitting to help offset production costs. We look forward to seeing your work!

What We’re Looking For

In all genres, we are particularly interested in seeing work from women, people of color, LGBTQ writers, non-binary writers, people with disabilities, and other underrepresented groups.


We lean toward streamlined prose and restraint. We love stories that quietly question and deconstruct what’s taken for granted and stories that approach emotionality indirectly and unconventionally. Genre elements are welcome, though we generally prefer character-driven stories over plot-focused ones. Please share a single story up to 6,000 words or up to three flash pieces, no more than 1,500 words each. 


We are interested in work that engages imagery and sound, and braves the challenge of describing what seems indescribable with a bold, authentic voice. Send us writing that leaves the reader with a revelation, a feeling, a new way of experiencing the world. Please share up to 5 pages of poems. 

Creative Nonfiction

We are looking for fresh voices that thrive in vulnerability and are not afraid to bleed on the page. We would love to read your lyric essays, personal narratives, experimental pieces, and hybrids—anything that pushes boundaries while holding emotional resonance. Please share up to 3,000 words or up to three flash pieces (400–1,000 words each) in a single document.

Submission Formatting

Word documents (.doc or .docx) are required. If formatting issues are a concern, you may also submit it as a PDF (in addition to the Word document) for reference. Be sure to include your name in the document. NOTE: Submissions that do not follow the guidelines above will not be read.

Submit your work here.

Call for Submissions from Canadian Writers: FreeFall Magazine

Recent cover image or website screenshot for FreeFall Magazine 

Open Submissions June 1st to September 30th


FreeFall Magazine will no longer accept submissions outside Canada except for our Annual Prose and Poetry Contest.

Prose: Submit up to 4,000 words. We accept short story and novel excerpts; non-fiction, writing-related or general-audience topics; creative non-fiction; plays; and postcard stories. Payment is $10 per page in the magazine (to a maximum of $100) and one copy of the issue your piece is published in.

Poetry: Submit 1-3 poems of any style. The length of any individual poem cannot exceed 6 pages. Payment is $25 per poem and one copy of the issue your piece is published in.

Art: Submit photographs of original artwork or any other subject matter. Photos must be submitted in black and white with maximum dimensions of 6” by 4”, minimum 300 dpi, and artistname_title name scheme. FreeFall pays $100 for cover art/photos and one issue copy upon publication. We also provide the artist/photographer a one-page bio inside the issue to promote themselves.

Interviews and book reviews: Submit proposal queries only (guidelines supplied when proposal approved). Payment is $50 and one copy of the issue in which your piece is published.

All payments are made upon publication.

We accept simultaneous submissions, but please notify us if your piece is picked up by another magazine. We do not publish previously published works: online, digital, or print. Our response by email will take anywhere from 2 weeks to 6 months.

Please note: We buy First North American Serial Rights and First Digital Publication Rights only. After publication, copyright reverts to the author.

Short story and poetry submissions may also be considered for distribution in Calgary Public Library’s Short Story Dispenser. Pieces that meet the Library’s guidelines will be published in the Short Story Dispenser at least 3 months after appearing in FreeFall magazine. Stories will be considered if they are less than 1,200 words, contain suitable content for all ages, and are written by authors with ties to Alberta. Authors will not receive further compensation for publishing in the Short Story Dispenser. 

Submit your work here.

Call for Submissions on Theme of "Healing": Big Wing Review

Recent cover image or website screenshot for Big Wing Review

Please read before submitting (link below):

Big Wing Review is now accepting literary submissions through June 15, 2024 (midnight EST) for our third (!!!) print + digital publication (scheduled for release in August 2024).

We accept essays, prose, flash fiction, poetry, spoken word, and visual art works. There is no fee to submit. 

For this round of submissions due June 15, 2024, we will be accepting work on the subject of healing. Healing can mean restoration, regeneration, or rebirth. We shed parts of ourselves constantly. What are you healing from? How can your journey relate to that of others? Does healing require revenge, justice, or retribution? Or is it self-contained?

From the Editor:

We are a magazine that brings emerging artists and writers to a wider audience. Both new and experienced writers are welcome to submit!

Language / Format Requirements: All submissions must be in English and must be previously unpublished. A written transcript must accompany spoken word recordings. We do not accept translations of previously published works.

Simultaneous Submissions: Simultaneous submissions are allowed, as long as we are notified if the piece is accepted for publication elsewhere.

Submission Limits: Individuals are limited to one submission per person with the following work guidelines:

  • Flash fiction: Less than 1,000 words. Max 2 per submission.
  • Prose/Essay: Less than 4,000 words. Max 1 per submission.
  • Poetry: Max 3 poems per submission.
  • Spoken word: Max 2 minutes of audio recording per submission.
  • Visual art: Must be available in 300 dpi resolution. Max 5 pieces per submission.

Revisions: Please do not send revisions. We will publish all content as received, so please review copy carefully prior to submission.

Copyright: Big Wing Review holds first serial rights for material that we publish (see here for info on what this means). The copyright automatically reverts to the author upon publication. All work may be permanently archived online. We ask that Big Wing Review be acknowledged in any subsequent publication of the work.

Payment: $10 per published work.

Other Questions? Contact:

Submit your work here.

Call for Submissions on Theme of "Atlas of Deep Ones": Transformations by Obsidian Butterfly

Submissions Call

Atlas of Deep Ones
A cultural, geographic and unnatural history
Dive Deep into the Weird

The stories we are looking for are all about Deep Ones. But not just “I met a Deep One and I fainted because the Innsmouth Look is just that jarring to my fragile psyche.” We want stories that are truly about Deep Ones: Deep One pirates willing to raid some truly unusual ships, beach bums sharing a smoke with a new friend. How do you handle the call to the sea when you live in Kansas? How did encounters with Romans, Vikings, and rum runners play out? Maybe they were the Sea People leading to the Bronze Age Collapse. Did they sink the White Ship that messed up English Royal succession? Or what or a more distant, perhaps primordial past? The “non-fiction” should be articles about aspects of Deep One culture, biology, history and everything in-between.

Nothing from New England or South Pacific seas unless you give us a time period we haven’t seen before. Dive deep and grasp the Weird.

Submissions window: June 1, 2024-July 30, 2024
Publication target: Summer 2025


Stories: 500-6000 words.
Poems: No more then 2 pages please
Non-fiction: 500-1000 words

Pay Rate for original works, via PayPal:

Story: $25
Poems: $15
Non-fiction: $15
Query for art submissions
Plus an author's copy and the ability to purchase copies at a reduced rate.

(Please contact us for reprint pay rate.)

Technical Details:

Submit a docx with Modern Shunn Format using the Google form here:
If there is an issue with the form, please let us know. DO NOT submit via email; email submissions will be ignored.

Writing Competition: Black Warrior Review


Through August, we will be accepting submissions across genres for our annual contest! Essays, stories, poems, flash, and any other form of hybrid writing that takes risks and experiments with form & content are welcome. This year, BWR seeks to publish the strange & surreal, to complicate rather than complete or compare, to share unusual art-forms and underacknowledged experiences. BWR is named after the Black Warrior River, a name honoring Chief Tuskaloosa, a paramount chief of the Mississippi nations. Like the river, our journal is constantly changing & deeply resilient. We are the longest-running journal helmed by graduate students the United States, running continuously since 1974. While we’re based in Alabama and pride ourselves on featuring local writers and artists alongside Pulitzer Prize and National Book Award winners, we have serious national reach and are often considered on the forefront of experimental, fabulist, and all-around “weird” literature and a home for marginalized voices. We believe in pushing boundaries, fostering innovation, and amplifying voices often unheard in traditional literary spaces.

We strongly recommend checking out a past issue of Black Warrior Review before submitting to our contests to get an idea of our general aesthetic. You can order a copy of issue 50.2 here to check out last year’s winners and our other fabulous contributors in glossy print.

Categories Accepted

  • Short stories: 1,001 – 6,000 words
  • Flash fiction/nonfiction: up to 1,000 words per piece
  • Poetry: up to 5 poems per packet
  • Creative Nonfiction: 1,001-6,000 words 


Publication and $1000 in fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry

Publication and $500 in flash fiction/nonfiction 


Students, faculty, staff, and administrators currently affiliated with the University of Alabama are ineligible for consideration or publication. Intimate friends, relatives, colleagues, and former or current students of the judges are ineligible to submit in that category. Previous winners should wait three years after their winning entry is published before entering again.

Black Warrior Review adheres to the CLMP Contest Code of Ethics. You can read about this code here.

Our Submission Guidelines

Submit your work through Submittable at We do not accept mailed submissions.

Upload your submission as a .doc, .docx, or .pdf.

Fiction, Nonfiction, and Poetry: There is a $20 entry fee for both domestic and international submissions.

Flash: There is a $10 entry fee for up to 2 pieces in any genre (fiction or nonfiction) of up to 1,000 words (respectively, not altogether).

Please email us at:
with any questions.

Winners and runners-up will be informed in September of 2024, and we will announce the winners & runners-up publicly in October. We accept, and encourage, simultaneous submissions and only ask that you withdraw your piece(s) using Submittable upon acceptance elsewhere. We do not accept work previously published elsewhere.

No AI Submissions

We currently do not accept work from artificial intelligence (“AI”) generators or similar. By submitting your entry here, you are attesting that your work was not created, in whole or in part, with an AI generator or similar.

Call for Submissions: Tiny Terrors

Tiny Terrors is our short fiction program for when a novel just won’t do. Just a short shocking scream to keep you awake at night …

Please see our general Submissions page for information about our standard Submissions requirements and process.
Submission Requirements

Your story: 
  • should be at least 5,000 words in length and no more than about 12,000 words.
  • should not contain erotica, or excessive violence or gore.
  • can be part of an ongoing series you might be writing.
  • may be submitted simultaneously to other markets (but please let us know when you submit your story).
Send us your complete, finished manuscripts in digital (.DOCx, .RTF, or .ODT) format using this form: Graveside Press Submission Form.

Please use a standard manuscript format. If you’re not sure what one is, here’s a good source.

Payment will be: 
  • $0.02 per word
  • five (5) trade paperback contributor copies
  • access to ten (10) digital contributor copies
Contacting Us

Please allow up to 90 days for us to make a decision regarding your story. If you have not heard back from us after 90 days, please feel free to contact us using our Contact Us form.

If you’re not sure if your story is something that we might be interested in publishing, please feel free to query us at:
in advance of submitting your manuscript.

Artists' Residencies: Loghaven

$850 stipend/week
Knoxville, TN

Deadline: July 15, 2024 at midnight ET

Loghaven invites emerging and established artists working in architecture, dance, interdisciplinary art, music, theater, visual art, and writing to apply. All resident artists receive a living stipend of $850 per week in addition to travel and freight reimbursement. Artists can find inspiration across Loghaven's 90-acre campus, which includes rehabilitated depression-era log cabins and light-filled studio spaces. In 2021, the campus received the AIA Architecture Award in recognition of its design.

Loghaven Artist Residency’s mission is to serve artists by providing them with a transformative residency experience and continued post-residency support. The residency is located on ninety acres of woodland in Knoxville, Tennessee. Artists live in five historic log cabins that have been both rehabilitated and modernized to create an ideal setting for reflection and work, and they have access to new, purpose-built studio space. All Loghaven Fellows are awarded stipends to support the creation of new work during the residency.


Practicing artists of all backgrounds and at any stage of their career are eligible to apply for a Loghaven residency. Artists currently enrolled in a degree-seeking program are not eligible. Due to the living stipend and other support Loghaven provides, artists applying for a residency must already have the ability to work in the United States and receive income per US tax law. International artists are not eligible unless they have a previously established way to work and receive income. Artists must be at least twenty-one years old and live more than 120 miles away from Knoxville. This distance requirement is designed to ensure that artists are able to be fully immersed in their residency experience and can take advantage of the retreat-style environment. Please note that all eligibility requirements must be met at the time of application.

We invite applicants in the creation stage of their specified project or work cycle to apply in the following disciplines:

Writing (poetry, fiction, nonfiction, screenwriting, and journalism)
Visual Arts
Music Composition
Interdisciplinary Work
Diversity Statement

Loghaven actively seeks to assemble diverse cohorts. Loghaven does not discriminate on the basis of race, age, religion, gender expression, sexual orientation, national origin, citizenship status, marital status, veteran status, medical conditions including HIV, or sensory, physical, or mental disability.

Residency Sessions

Monday, February 10 – Friday, March 7, 2025 (4 weeks)
Monday, April 7 – Friday, May 2, 2025 (4 weeks)
Monday, May 19 – Friday, June 13, 2025 (4 weeks)
Monday, July 7 – Monday, July 21, 2025 (2 weeks for teaching artists and faculty artists at the university level)
Monday, September 29 – Friday, November 7, 2025 (6 weeks)
Monday, January 12 – Monday, January 26, 2026 (2 weeks, preference given to alumni/ae)

Application Timeline and Qualifications

Applications will be accepted annually starting June 1, until July 15, at midnight Eastern Time. Late applications will not be accepted. The application panel will meet in August and September, and applicants will be contacted by November 1.

A national selection committee composed of artist peers and other arts professionals selects artists. Applicants are judged by the same criteria across disciplines. Panelists are looking for artistic excellence, defined by a depth of conceptual content, sustained impact, and boldness of vision. The panel seeks those with sophisticated technical knowledge, whether the applicant displays a high level of traditional skill or, conversely, subverts that knowledge in new or challenging ways. The panel values potential in emerging artists and evidence of commitment and evolution in more established or mid-career applicants.

All applicants are required to submit two professional references. Please provide the name, contact information, and a very brief description of the nature of your professional relationship for each reference. Loghaven contacts references only if the application advances. References would be contacted in the fall by either email or phone and would not submit a formal letter.

More information and application link here.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Writing Competitions: Slate Roof Press Poetry Chapbook Contest / Elyse Wolf Prize

 Slate Roof Press logo

Winners of the Slate Roof Press Poetry Chapbook Contest/Elyse Wolf Prize are awarded publication and $500. We produce beautiful books with letterpress covers by an award-winning bookmaker, using high-quality papers. Elyse Wolf Prize winners become active members of the press, making a three-year commitment, gaining valuable experience in publishing, and participating in monthly meetings and the tasks of running the press. Based in Greenfield, MA, Slate Roof is a member-run, not-for-profit collaborative, publishing art-quality chapbooks since 2004.
Winners of the Slate Roof Press Glass Prize for an original broadside will each receive $250. Each poem will be printed in a beautiful limited letterpress edition of 100 numbered and signed copies.
We are accepting manuscripts from May 15 through June 30.
To enter, review Membership Requirements on our website.
Prepare your submission:
  • A title page with title of the manuscript only; a table of contents page; no more than 28 pages of poems; 12 pt. Times (or equivalent), 8.5 x 11 paper, 1” margins, pages numbered. No identifying information on any pages.
  • A separate cover sheet with title of manuscript, your name, address, telephone number, email address, and a short bio. Please also tell us what attracts you about joining a collaborative press.
  • Note that while individual poems may have been published, the collection as a whole must be unpublished, including self-publication.
Determine your method of submission:
  • If submitting online (preferred method), go here . Paste cover sheet into text box. Upload title page, table of contents, and manuscript (all three as a single document, no identifying information); pdf strongly preferred; doc, docx, txt, or rtf acceptable; other formats will not be accepted. See full instructions online.
  • If submitting hard copies, mail two copies of all materials to the Slate Roof address below by June 30, 2024. (postmark). No staples. Confirmation and contest notification will be by email unless you include SASE postcard and envelope.
Submit $10 reading fee.

If submitting online, make payment via credit card. If submitting by post, make check out to Slate Roof Press and send with submission to:
Slate Roof Press
15 Warwick Avenue
Northfield, MA 01360-9638.

Sliding scale: If the reading fee presents a hardship, please 1) email us your manuscript at; and 2) go to to make a donation in an amount that feels accessible. If you feel you are in a position to make a donation exceeding the $10 reading fee in support of a fellow poet, we welcome your generosity. Your manuscript submission will be considered complete once both the text and the donation have been received.
All entries will be considered complete once payment is received.
A winning manuscript will be chosen by the press via a blind review. In addition, we may offer publication and membership to finalists. For additional information on Slate Roof Press, contact us here, or email us at:
We reserve the right not to select a winner, in which case entry fees will be refunded. Simultaneous submissions are acceptable, but please notify us immediately if your manuscript is accepted elsewhere.

Our collaborative is dedicated to publishing the best in poetry and involving poets in the process. Contest winners agree to a three-year work commitment, averaging 8-10 hours/month, including attending monthly meetings on Zoom. Contest winners will work with the collaborative to publish and market their work, as well as the work of other members. Members receive feedback on drafts, and final manuscripts are edited by Slate Roof members.

Writing Competition: University of North Texas Press 2025 Katherine Anne Porter Prize in Short Fiction

The University of North Texas Press announces the 2025 Katherine Anne Porter Prize in Short Fiction. The winner of this annual award will receive $1000 and publication by UNT Press. Entries will be judged by an eminent writer.

Dates For Submission

Manuscripts may be submitted starting May 1 and closing at end of date on June 30. The winning manuscript will be announced in January 2025.

We only accept electronic submissions through Submittable.

Our online submissions manager is available here: Online Submissions

In order to ensure that all writers have access to publication, this contest will be open for fee-free submissions on Monday, June 1st from 12:00 am to 11:59 pm.

The $25 entry fee can be paid online via credit card or PayPal.

Entries must be a collection of any combination of flash fiction, short stories, or novellas, from 100 to 200 book pages in length (word count between 27,500 and 50,000). Material should be previously unpublished in book form. Once a winner is declared and contracted for publication, UNT Press will hold the rights to the stories in the winning collection. They may no longer be under consideration for serial publication elsewhere and must be withdrawn by the author from consideration.

Manuscript Guidelines 

  1. Please be sure manuscript pages are numbered.
  2. Please include a table of contents.
  3. Please use a standard, easy-to-read font such as Times New Roman in twelve-point size.
  4. Stories included in the submission may have appeared previously in magazines or anthologies but may not have been previously published in a book-length collection of the author’s own work.
  5. Authors may submit more than one manuscript to the competition for consideration as long as no material is duplicated between submissions. Each submission will require a separate entry fee.
  6. Manuscripts under consideration for this competition may be submitted elsewhere at the same time. Please withdraw your manuscript if it is accepted by another publisher and should no longer be considered for the Katherine Anne Porter Award competition. Withdrawal can be completed via the submissions manager website.
  7. Entry fees are not refundable.

Call for Submissions: Channel

Submissions for Channel Issue 11 are open from 20 May to 20 June 2024. We look forward to reading your work!

Channel’s aim is to provide a home for Irish and international writing that contributes to building rich, mutually sustaining relationships between human beings and the natural world. In all uses of the word, a “channel” exists to facilitate connection – to allow something, whether it be water, an electronic signal or a spirit, to pass through or towards something else. This journal exists to provide a passage through which ideas about human relationships with our environment, expressed and embodied in creative work, can flow.

We publish two print issues annually, usually in April and October each year. Each of these features a range of poetry, fiction and prose non-fiction (which may include interviews and commentary on creative work or community-based environmental projects, as well as essays and narrative pieces). We also regularly publish non-fiction on the Channel blog.

Poetry and fiction submissions are invited during a dedicated submission window ahead of each print issue. Non-fiction/essay submissions, which will be considered for publication either in print or online, are welcomed year-round. We also welcome submissions of visual art, to be featured on the covers of future print issues, at any time.

What We Publish

We publish new, previously unpublished work that engages with the natural world.

Although we draw inspiration from local and international traditions of nature writing, as well as from the many dedicated platforms for writing on climate and ecology that exist today, much of what we publish falls outside common definitions of nature writing and eco-writing. We love work that speaks directly of a writer’s bond with and fear for our planet, and work that takes a local landscape, or a local flower, as its subject; equally, though, we love work that draws on an aspect of nature as setting, image or metaphor. We believe that all writing relies to some extent on historical engagement with nature, in that all human language has been shaped by our embeddedness in our shared environments. The kind of work we want to publish is the kind that takes this seed of connection and runs with it, revelling in its potential and exploring how it might grow. The best way to understand the range of work we’re interested in is to read our current print issue or some of the work available on our blog.

We accept written work in English and Irish. Pieces written in Irish may, with permission from the author, be published bilingually, with an accompanying English translation by our Irish Language Editor and Translator. If you choose to have your work translated, a copy of the translation will be shared with you for approval before publication.

Although based in Ireland, Channel welcomes international submissions. We also welcome submissions in Irish or English translation. In the case of translated works, our arrangements for payment and publication will be made with the person – author or translator – who submits the piece. It is the responsibility of the submitter to make appropriate arrangements with anyone else who holds rights to the work.

We believe that creative work should be free to occupy as much space as is needed for its full development. With this in mind, we place no strict limit on the length of pieces that may be submitted for publication. Bearing in mind the limited space within each print issue, though, we are unlikely to offer a home for prose pieces of over 6000 words or poems of over 300 lines.

How to Submit
Poetry and fiction should be submitted only during our open submission windows.

Please submit your work as a Word document or PDF attachment to the relevant email address as listed below:

Essays/Non-fiction –
Fiction –
Poetry –

Due to the volume of work we receive, we ask that writers submit no more than one essay, one short story and/or four poems per submission window. If you have an essay submission currently awaiting a response from us, please wait until you hear from us before submitting another essay.

Please do not include your name or any identifying information within your submission file. Although you are welcome to introduce yourself and to include biographical information within the body of your email, this is not a requirement. All submissions will be given equal consideration, and submissions by new writers, as well as by writers from backgrounds or communities currently underrepresented in Irish publishing, are particularly encouraged.

We aim to showcase a wide variety of voices within Channel. For this reason, we ask that if your work has been accepted for publication in Issue 10 you wait one issue before submitting again.

We welcome simultaneous submissions, but ask that you let us know as soon as possible if your work is accepted for publication elsewhere.

Visual Art Submissions
We are also seeking visual art (in any medium) to feature on the covers of our upcoming issues. As we wish to provide a showcase for local artists, we are currently accepting visual art submissions only from artists based on the island of Ireland. Please tell us a little about your practice, and submit a sample or samples of your work that you believe could become engaging cover art, at:

Payment & Rights
We believe in paying writers, and are working to increase the fees paid to our contributors. At this time we can offer a fee of €35 per printed page, up to a total maximum of €250 per piece and with a minimum fee of €50 for single-page works. For work published online, we pay €35 per 400 words, up to a maximum of €250 per piece and with a minimum fee of €50. The artist whose work is featured on each of our covers will receive a fee of €250. All contributors to our print issues, including cover artists, will also receive a copy of the issue in which their work appears.

When a piece of written work is accepted for publication, Channel buys first serial rights. Work published in our print issues will also be included in any digital editions of the issue in which it appears, including the digital archive currently available to our patrons. Short extracts may be featured across our website and social media for promotional purposes. All other rights remain with you and you are welcome to republish your work following the launch of the issue in which it appears. We would be grateful if you mention Channel as the place of first publication.

When we pay for cover art, we are buying the right to reproduce the selected work on an issue’s cover, as well as on any promotional materials surrounding that issue. All other rights remain with the artist.

Call for Submissions: Variant Literature Journal

Recent cover image or website screenshot for Variant Literature Journal

Submit May 25 through June 30 for consideration for September 2024 Issue


  • Please submit only once per submission period unless otherwise invited.
  • We do not accept e-mail submissions; all work must be submitted through Submittable.
  • Please send all work in one file.
  • We aim to respond to your work within two months; our average response time is closer to one month.
  • Simultaneous submissions are fine, but please notify us immediately if your work is accepted elsewhere.
  • We do not accept previously published works.


There are no format restrictions. Limit your submission to 5 poems totaling no more than 10 pages.


Authors should limit submissions to no more than 20 pages (5500 words).

Flash and Micro Series

Please send ONE piece of flash fiction or flash nonfiction (1200 words or less) or a connected series of THREE micros (250 to 400 words each).

What happened to the nonfiction genre?

If your nonfiction is less than 1200 words, submit to the flash genre. We are not looking for longer nonfiction.

Payment We pay $10 per accepted story, poem, or micro series.

Submit your work here.

Call for Submissions: The Sprawl Mag


Recent cover image or website screenshot for The Sprawl Mag

The Sprawl Mag is currently open to submissions of speculative poetry, short fiction, visual art, and creative nonfiction from May 18, 2024 - June 30, 2024. We love speculative work that explores colonial resistance, climate hope, and cyber-feminism. But if you don't cover those themes, that's awesome too, we want to read what matters to you!
We pay contributors $20 CAD per published piece. 
We encourage submissions from QTBIPOC, women, nonbinary, queer, and disabled writers.
We accept simultaneous submissions, but please send us an email to let us know if your piece is picked up elsewhere so we can congratulate you! Queries or withdrawals may be sent to:
We do not accept work that has been previously published.
Please include a brief, third-person biography with your submission.
Please title your documents: firstnamelastname_genre (eg. andrenorton_shortfic)
Please send all submissions through Google Forms.
If this is inaccessible to you please email us at:
More information and submission portal here.