Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Call for Submissions: Concord Ridge

How to Submit

Concord Ridge accepts poetry, photography, and artwork for consideration. We are always open and do not charge a fee. Please use our submissions manager, created by Devin Emke for the magazine One Story and graciously released to the public for free use.


Poetry: Poems submitted to Concord Ridge should be a maximum of 40 lines, including stanza breaks, and each line should not exceed more than 60 characters. These guidelines are hard limits and are due to our unique formatting, but they are also friendly reminders that brevity is the soul of wit. Please start each poem on a new page, include a title, and write in single spaced Times New Roman. Submit your portfolio of six poems or fewer in .doc(x) or .pdf format.

Art and Photography: For our front and back covers, we publish two pieces of black and white photography/visual art per issue. The content of these pieces is unrestricted, but we prefer the front cover to be in portrait format, and require the back cover to be landscape format. Art and photography should be at least 300 DPI. Back cover art will be presented on a space measuring 350mm by 500mm, so please make sure your work will still shine at that large of a format. Submit your portfolio of 10 images or less in .jpg, .png, .doc(x), or .pdf format.

All submissions must be previously unpublished. Simultaneous submissions are allowed, but please notify us at:


if you must withdraw a submission. We do not accept submissions through this email; it is only for information and queries.


Please submit a biography of you and your work in the "comments" section of your submission. If you are accepted for publication in Concord Ridge, this biography will be printed with your poem.

Rights and Payment

We pay a small honorarium (the best we can offer, as this magazine loses money) of $10 for published poetry and $20 for published photography and artwork. In addition, published contributors will receive two print copies of the issue in which their work appears, free of charge. In exchange, we require first North American Serial rights, and ask that, if the work first published with us is ever again published, you acknowledge Concord Ridge. Contracts will be extended upon acceptance for publication.

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