Monday, January 27, 2025

Call for Submissions: Wild Roof Journal

Wild Roof Journal is an online art & literary publication that features work from a wide range of creative people—painters, drawers, photographers, digital artists, writers, poets, and anyone else who is passionate about the creative process and self-expression.
Our primary goal is to provide a welcoming environment for artists to share their work. The people behind the scenes of Wild Roof are fellow artists—we know the amount of time and energy it takes to produce a finished piece, and the challenges of getting it out into the world for people to see. We want to offer opportunities for artists to connect with other artists as well as to promote their work to a larger audience.
We would like to keep our themes broad enough to offer a lot of room for interpretation. Our emphasis is on presenting the most engaging and thoughtful artwork possible, not on adhering to strict rules for subject matter or style. 
As a guideline for what we find interesting, here are a few points to consider: Our aesthetic preferences are varied, but we tend to favor unique perspectives and experimentation. More traditional forms are appreciated as well; however, with wildness comes some level of the unpredictable and the weird… If you feel like you do things a bit differently than “the norm” (whatever that means to you), then you’re probably in the right place!
We tend to like work that is inquisitive and curious, at times mysterious, at times playful. So, if you find questions more interesting than answers, you’re on the right track for us!
Although we have categories for our submissions, we are absolutely interested in hybrid forms or work that defies easy categorization. If this describes your work, we encourage you to submit; if necessary, you may pick the category that’s most fitting and add a note to explain your work in more detail.
Note for all submissions: Simultaneous submissions are accepted, but please withdraw pieces from consideration if they are accepted elsewhere. If you have a previously published piece that you feel deserves our attention (and you have retained the rights), please acknowledge the previous publication.
If your work is accepted, you agree to give Wild Roof Journal online publishing and archival rights; following publication, all rights revert back to the author/artist. We ask that you credit Wild Roof Journal if the work is published elsewhere in the future.
Submit your work here

Deadline for most submissions: Feb. 16, 2025

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